River crossing

Iceland - Highlands and F-Roads

Folder: Iceland


08 Jul 2014 38 60 808
Rauðihver (red hot spring) is a muddy hot spring in Hveravellir (valley of hot springs) high temperature area. Hveravellir lies just off highland road 35 (Kjalvegur) at 650m on the Kjölur plateau between Hofsjökull and Langjökull glaciers. It comprises of at least 150 hydrothermal features and is part of Langjökull central volcano (sometimes also called Hveravellir central volcano). Rauðihver (rote heiße Quelle) ist ein schlammige heiße Springquelle im Hochtemperaturgebiet Hveravellir. Dieses liegt auf 650m nahe der Hochlandpiste 35 (Kjalvegur) zwischen den Gletschern Hofsjökull und Langjökull und gehört zum Zentralvulkan Langjökull (auch Hveravellir gennant). de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hveravellir


08 Jul 2014 37 54 905
Öskurhóll (roaring hill) is a fumarole with sinter mound in Hveravellir geothermal area. It makes a constant loud noise like a tea kettle gone mad. In the background Bláhver hot spring can be seen. Öskurhóll (brüllender Hügel) ist eine Fumarole mit Sinterhügel im Hochtemperaturgebiet Hveravellir, die ständig pfeift wie ein wildgewordener Teekessel. Im Hintergrund sieht man die heiße Quelle Bláhver. Good news from IMA! www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/187672


08 Jul 2014 35 60 713
HFF everybody! For all who haven't seen the good news from IMA: www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/187672


08 Jul 2014 33 42 800
Tumulus in a lava field near Hveravellir. Tumuli are lava crusts upliftet by pressure of fluid pahoehoe lava from below and are typically cracked along their axis. This one was used as a sheep pen by Iceland's most famous outlaw, Fjalla Eyvindur (1714-1783). He and his wife Halla are said to have survived 20 years in the highlands where most thermal areas are associated with them. In the notes: Eyvindarhver, the hot spring where they did their cooking and Eyvindarkofi, the lava cave which served as their shelter. Tumulus in einem Lavafeld bei Hveravellir. Tumuli entstehen aus erstarrter Lavakruste, die durch den Druck noch flüssiger Pahoehoe-Lava darunter angehoben wird, typisch sind die axialen Risse. Dieser Tumulus wurde von Islands berühmtestem Outlaw, Fjalla Eyvindur (1714-1783), als Schafpferch benutzt. Er und seine Frau Halla sollen 20 Jahre im Hochland überlebt haben, fast jede thermale Oase wird mit ihnen in Verbindung gebracht. In den PiPs: Eyvindarhver, die heiße Quelle, die sie als Kochtopf benutzt haben und Eyvindarkofi, eine Lavahöhle, ihre "Wohnung".


08 Jul 2014 39 40 1132
Highland route 35 (Kjalvegur) traverses the highlands from north to south, starting near Blönduós and leading over the Kjölur plateau between Langjökull and Hofsjökull glaciers to Gullfoss. Since all rivers have been bridged, the 168 km long mountain road can now also be used by normal cars though it is like washboard in many places. This photo was taken near the pass at Bláfell looking south.

Möðrudalsöræfi Panorama

12 Jul 2014 9 8 819
View from the pass over Möðrudalsfjallgarður. What is now road 901 used to be part of the ring road until 2005. Möðrudalsöræfi consists of dolerite and palagonite bedrock with cones and ridges from late ice age fissure eruptions. Large size: www.ipernity.com/doc/523247/35794459/sizes/o

Desolation of Mordor

12 Jul 2014 58 81 1112
Möðrudalsöræfi seen from the viewpoint on Road 901/ Möðrudalsleið. A barren wilderness of cones and ridges from subglacial fissure eruptions during the last ice age. A panorama of the whole vista in colour: www.ipernity.com/doc/523247/35794459

Möðrudalur Church

12 Jul 2014 7 8 807
Möðrudalur (469m) is the highest and most isolated populated place in Iceland. It has been a working (sheep) farm since settlement times. The church was built in 1949 by farmer Jón Stefánsson in memory of his late wife.He also painted the picture over the altar (see note).

Slórfell from F905

12 Jul 2014 8 6 745
Road F905 branches south near Möðrudalur, passing along the palagonite range of Möðrudalsfjallgarður until connecting with F910 towards Askja. In dry and windy weather the area is prone to sandstorms.

Herðubreið, the queen of Icelandic mountains

12 Jul 2014 22 10 978
Herðubreið (1682m) is a classic tuya (subglacial volcano) topped by a 300m thick subaerial lava shield. The photo was taken near the bridge over River Kreppá, the lava and pumice in the foreground stem from Askja eruptions.

On Highland Road F910-Austurleið

12 Jul 2014 11 6 1157
After the Kreppá bridge F910 meanders through Krepputunga before doubling back to cross Jökulsá a Fjöllum. Móberg ridge Herðubreiðartögl and table volcano Herðubreið can be seen in the background, the foreground is filled with lava and pumice from Askja eruption. Version with selective colouring added!

Kreppá Bridge

01 Aug 2022 44 78 358
Bridge over river Kreppá on highland road F910. hFF, folks!

Highland desert

12 Jul 2014 50 53 508
River Kreppá in the Icelandic highlands, a desert of lava and pumice created by various volcanic eruptions, most notably from Askja. www.vatnajokulsthjodgardur.is/en/areas/odadahraun/interpretation-and-knowledge/about-askja Road F910 (4x4 only) crosses the river on one of the very few bridges in the area. Note how high the bridge is, fording would often be impossible. www.vatnajokulsthjodgardur.is/en/areas/odadahraun I'm off to Iceland again, see you in August!

River Kreppá and Austurleið

12 Jul 2014 5 10 1061
Highland Road F910 and river Kreppá, the major tributary of Jökulsá a Fjöllum. A jökulhlaup (glacier outburst flood) from Vatnajökull would reach this area in less than 3 hours: avd.is/is/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Jokulhlaup_kort_Holuhraun_20141017.png


01 Aug 2022 48 45 396
Herðubreið, the queen of Icelandic mountains - and seat of the gods (many believe this is the Asgard of the sagas). Herðubreið is a 1682m high table mountain (tuya) which erupted under ice age glaciation. At the very top (here covered by cloud) is a crater and some basalt whch made it out of the ice. The mountain with its steep and near symmetrical shape rises 1000m above the vast surrounding highland desert and is visible from afar.

Jökulsá a Fjöllum and Askja

12 Jul 2014 8 885
The photo was taken from the bridge over Jökulsá a Fjöllum, where mountain road F910 crosses the river. Askja can be seen in the background.

Jökulsá a Fjöllum and Upptyppingar

12 Jul 2014 4 4 786
Jökulsá a Fjöllum, originating from Vatnajökull, is Iceland's second longest river (206km) and the one with the largest drainage basin. During holocene eruptions of Bárðarbunga jökulhlaups with a peak discharge of 900,000 m³ per second have occured along the river.


12 Jul 2014 7 8 803
Upptyppingar is a móberg ridge in the Askja fissure swarm. In the foreground lava and pumice from Askja eruptions can be seen.

65 items in total