Bergen Stasjon

Trains and Stations

Tirano RhB

02 Aug 2019 54 87 588
HFF everybody, have a good weekend! I'm very much behind again with visits and comments, please bear with me... Ich bin mal wieder sehr ins Hintertreffen geraten, ich werde versuchen aufzuholen....

Tirano RhB

02 Aug 2019 26 32 257
SC 58- Red as predominant colour Archives this week because walks through town didn't yield enough red and I couldn't find enough stuff for a decent still life. Terminus of Albula-/Bernina Railway at Tirano


02 Aug 2019 46 53 746
Detail of the old locomotive at Tirano

Brusio spiral viaduct

07 Jul 2012 25 24 1009
Brusio spiral viaduct is a famous feature of the World Heritage Rhaetian Railway . It was needed "to limit the railway's grade to the required maximum of 7%, so the train would not slip on the way up, or be uncontrollable on the way down. Geological factors prevented the boring of the spiral tunnel that had originally been planned. Engineers therefore decided to construct on the valley floor a 360 degree curve with a 50 to 70 m (160 to 230 ft) radius, and the viaduct forms part of that curve"(Wiki).

Rolling stock photography

07 Jul 2012 41 72 900
On a 3- day excursion with some photographer friends on the Rhaetian Railway you can have a bit of fun. I saw our train reflected in the glass fronts of Poschiavo station, took a photo and of course the others followed suit;-) Inset a different take. Rhaetian Railway in the Albula and Bernina landscapes is on the World Heritage list since 2008:


01 Aug 2019 47 64 579
Landwasser Viaduct, built in 1901-02, is a 65m high and 142m long railway bridge with a curve radius of only 100m leading directly into a tunnel. It's one of the famous engineering feats of the Albula railway which gained world heritage status in 2008. Das berühmte Landwasserviadukt, 1901-02 erbaut, ist 65m hoch und 142m lang und führt mit einem Kurvenradius von nur 100m direkt in den Landwassertunnel. Es ist ein Wahrzeichen der Albulabahn, die 2008 zuammen mit der Berninabahn Welterbestatus verliehen bekam. Schmittentobelviadukt Landwassertunnel


06 Jul 2012 39 36 877
Photo taken from the last carriage of the train (see inset for another take). I didn't manage to catch the whole bridge because another photographer kept sticking her head and arms out of the window:-( Landwasserviaduct is a 65m high bridge on the Albula Railway and is crossed by about 60 trains per day. It's one of the many engineering feats on the Rhaetian Railway which gained UNESCO World Heritage status in 2008. A webcam can be found here:

Gornergratbahn und Matterhorn

05 Aug 2019 84 131 914 HFF folks, have a good weekend!

Oben bleiben! Kopfbahnhof 21

16 Oct 2018 27 29 638
Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof, Bahnhofsturm und (im PiP) Südeingang

S21, the 7,6 billion hole

07 Dec 2017 39 128 1021
The new underground train station in Stuttgart was sold to gullible people as costing a maximum of 4,5 billion and being finished by 2021. Now costs are up to 7,6 billion and Deutsche Bahn is quoting 2024 as opening date but internally already planning with 2026. Expect a further rise in costs and an even later opening date;-) Meanwhile local trains are struggling with delays due to lack of investment in existing infrastructure... Stuttgart 21, das millardenverschlingende Loch mitten in der Stadt, macht BER Konkurrenz. Inzwischen ist fast alles eingetreten, was die Gegner, als Wutbürger geschmäht, damals progostiziert haben. Der Wiki-Artikel ist up to date: Die Zukunft, galgenhumoristisch: Anyway- HFF, folks!

Get ready....

18 Oct 2019 26 24 238
SC64- sliding door moment I was surprised to see this poster at a rather late date for Brits in Germany to do anything about their status, but at least in 2019 the sliding door was still open, now it's more or less closed.... Alternative take

Stuttgart Hbf

10 Aug 2023 56 79 382
SSC: Bahnhof Aufgenommen von Gleis 13/14 ganz vorne. Der Weg zu den Gleisen führt in großem Bogen über die S21- Baugrube der Baugrube vorbei und heißt im Volksmund "Fernwanderweg Stuttgart 21". Nach 2 Jahren kam die DB endlich auf die Idee, einen Shuttle für mobilitätseingeschränkte Passagiere einzurichten. Der im Bau befindliche Tiefbahnhof (S21) wird übrigens bahnrechtlich nur eine Haltestelle sein, denn das Gleisgefälle beträgt mit 15,1 Promille das 6fache des zulässigen Werts (gemessen auf die Länge eines ICE sind das 6,5m).

"Zacke" bereit zur Abfahrt

08 Jul 2023 53 81 349
SSC: ÖPNV Die Stuttgarter Zahnradbahn (Zacke genannt) ist eine von nur 4 Zahnradbahnen in Deutschland und die einzige, die Teil des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs ist. Sie überwindet auf 2,2km einen Höhenunterschied von über 200m mit einer Steigung von max. 17,8%. Die neueste Version der Wagen (Hersteller: Stadler) erlaubt einen barrierefreien Einstieg und verfügt über mehr Platz für Fahrräder auf dem Vorstellwagen.

S-Bahn-Station Feuersee

28 Jul 2023 29 36 275
SC56: message, number or plain characters Das Plakat hängt schief;-) Two clickable alternative takes:

Frankfurt Flughafen Fernbahnhof


03 Mar 2017 24 44 830


03 Mar 2017 24 36 852 If you haven't already done so, please remember to donate or we won't have an Ipernity come April! (The sum shown still includes the fraudulent ca. 4000$ by soca.jorge1986)


04 Mar 2017 30 47 913
Crowdfunding to save Ipernity is ongoing! Donations (refundable in case of failure to take over Ipernity) can be made here: More information: Please spread the word, time is essential! If the money can't be raised by the end of next week, there will be no Ipernity in April.

40 items in total