Willington 2010-10-25 002

Willington, Beds.

186 visits  |  Translate into English

Stables and dovecote built for Sir John Gostwick (d. 1545), Master of the Horse to Cardinal Wolsey and later Treasurer of First Fruits and Tenths. He entertained Henry VIII at his manor here in 1541, but the house has vanished. He also built the N. chapel of the parish church and may have been responsible for rebuilding the whole church.

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25 Oct 2010

160 visits

Willington 2010-10-25 002

Stables and dovecote from W. See set page for history.

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06 Nov 2010

95 visits

Willington: St Lawrence 2010-10-25

From NW. The north chapel was built for Sir John Gostwick (d. 1545), Master of the Horse to Cardinal Wolsey and later Treasurer of First Fruits and Tenths, who may have been responsible for rebuilding the whole church. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1312387 .

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06 Nov 2010

125 visits

Willington 2010-10-25 005

Dovecote from SW

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25 Oct 2010

112 visits

Willington 2010-10-25 004

Dovecote from SW

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25 Oct 2010

128 visits

Willington 2010-10-25 007

Dovecote from S