Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 014

Anglesey Abbey, Cambs.

House created c.1600 from the surviving buildings of an Augustinian priory, much extended and aggrandized in the 1920s and 1930s for the bachelor collector, Huttleston Broughton, 1st baron Fairhaven (1896-1966), who was also responsible for developing the grounds. Fairhaven's English-born father had, while working as an engineer in the USA, married the heiress of oil tycoon, Henry Huttleston Roger…  (read more)

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 014

16 Nov 2010 92
S. end of the Cross Avenue, from NW. Vase from Stafford House (now Lancaster House), positioned here in 1937 - Fairhaven's collecting activities extended to "architectural salvage". For history of Anglesey Abbey, see set page .

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 108
The S. front of the house, formed c.1600 from the remaining abbey buildings, and extensively restored in the 1920s, when (according to the _Buildings of England_) the strapwork and carving were added over the porch and the gables reinstated on the basis of an old print. The wing to the left, with the oriel window, dates from the 1930s.

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 112
The S. front of the house, formed c.1600 from the remaining abbey buildings, and extensively restored in the 1920s, when (according to the _Buildings of England_) the strapwork and carving were added over the porch and the gables reinstated on the basis of an old print.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 010

04 Nov 2011 109
Dahlia garden from W.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-29

29 Oct 2011 133
Coade stone caryatids of 1793 at the junction of the Coronation Avenue and the Cross Avenue, laid out from 1937. The figures came from Buckingham House on Pall Mall, demolished in 1908 for the erection of the Royal Automobile Club. The National Trust guide describes them as coming from the entrance hall but they appear in fact to have come from the attic of Soane's staircase ( for architectural history of Buckingham House; for photograph). See set page for general history of Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 053

04 Nov 2011 130
On the Pilgrims' Lawn. The last part of the garden to be conceived before Lord Fairhaven's death, not completed until 1967. More informal groups than elsewhere in Fairhaven's garden, with the interest coming from the variety of colours and shapes in the planting, rather than from the geometry that predominates elsewhere. See set page for general history of Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 049

04 Nov 2011 139
On the Pilgrims' Lawn. The last part of the garden to be conceived before Lord Fairhaven's death, not completed until 1967. More informal groups than elsewhere in Fairhaven's garden, with the interest coming from the variety of colours and shapes in the planting, rather than from the geometry that predominates elsewhere. See set page for general history of Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-25 028

25 Nov 2011 107
On the Pilgrims' Lawn. The last part of the garden to be conceived before Lord Fairhaven's death, not completed until 1967. More informal groups than elsewhere in Fairhaven's garden, with the interest coming from the variety of colours and shapes in the planting, rather than from the geometry that predominates elsewhere. See set page for general history of Anglesey Abbey.

Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17

17 Jan 2013 130
View on to the East Lawn from the Winter Walk. Gates by John Creed for the National Trust, 2010: "They aim to create harmony between nature and man using bold understatement of form with weathering and stainless steel for two gates placed within an autumnal setting":

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 024

04 Nov 2011 128
Lead figure of a shepherdess in the Monks' Garden; early C18 and probably from Nost/Cheere Workshop according to .

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 015

04 Nov 2011 106
Dahlia garden from E.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 014

04 Nov 2011 109
Dahlia garden from W.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-11-04 007

04 Nov 2011 100
Lode Mill from the entrance to the herbaceous garden

Anglesey Abbey: Urn in Emperors' Walk 2011-10-29

29 Oct 2011 110
Ancient Roman porphyry urn in the Emperors' Walk, placed here when this section of the garden was developed after World War II. Listing description: .

Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-29

29 Oct 2011 126
Lead statue signed by John Cheere, dated 1720, formerly at Copped Hall, Essex. Previously identified as Diana and Actaeon (or perhaps Venus and Adonis, according to the list description: ); the 2008 guidebook (revised 2010) identifies the subject as Meleager and Atalanta, presumably on account of the dead boar at the base of the composition.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-29

29 Oct 2011 96
Lode Mill seen from the riverside walk.

Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-29

29 Oct 2011 91
Bridge across Quy Water to the North of the house

Anglesey Abbey 2011-10-29

29 Oct 2011 91
Jubilee Avenue (formerly Daffodil Walk) from the S.

83 items in total