F.G. Young, Motor Engineer & Mechanic, High Street, Lincoln, early 1920s

Young's Garage, Lincoln

Photographs of, or connected with, my maternal grandfather's garage business, started after World War I at 2 High Street, Lincoln, moved in 1926 to 69 High Street (according to his obituary in the Lincolnshire Echo), and then moved again in 1939 to purpose-built premises at 53-55 St. Catherine's.

By this time, the garage was selling Citroën and Austin cars; Citroëns had probably been sold from …  (read more)

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01 Jan 1923

187 visits

F.G. Young, Motor Engineer & Mechanic, High Street, Lincoln, early 1920s

Appears to show the premises at 2 High Street, so presumably before 1926. My grandfather in overalls with an unidentified assistant. The motorcycle (which has been identified by georgedulcot as a Norton - see below) was registered in Kesteven, the south-west part of Lincolnshire ( www.oldclassiccar.co.uk/registrations/ct.htm ). Scanned from a print. See set page for the history of the business.

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01 Jan 1925

99 visits

Young's Garage, High Street, Lincoln

Appears to show the premises at 2 High Street, so presumably before 1926. Possibly my grandfather's sister-in-law, my great aunt Charlotte (Lottie) Duckering, standing at the pump. Scanned from an unused postcard. See set page for the history of the business.

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01 Jan 1932

106 visits

Young's Garage, Lincoln, possibly 69 High Street, early 1930s

Display showing what appears to be an early 1930s Citroën (as it has right-hand drive, it will have been assembled at Slough, but it looks very similar to the left-hand drive 1932 model shown here ). Scanned from a mounted print found in a file of photographs of Young's Garage, Lincoln (who were Citroën agents by 1939). The connection between the photograph and the garage is unknown, although it could be a display in the showroom at 69 High Street, where the garage was located from 1926 to 1939. The building is now occupied by a furniture retailer but it looks as if there was a narrow showroom end on to the street flanked by an arched vehicle entrance (cf. maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=69+High+Street,+Lincoln,+Lincoln... and also a period view at www.flickr.com/photos/jondave/5715085023/in/set-721576134... ; according to homepage.ntlworld.com/stuart.cox/thenandnow/places/highst... the building was originally an arched entrance to Boultham Hall; www.freewebs.com/nicknac3000/aroundlincoln1.htm says that the private bridge that carried the drive from here over the river was removed in 1924). There appear to be parts of a petrol pump on the far left, outside the showroom, which strengthens the possibility of this being 69 High Street.

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01 Jan 1939

96 visits

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, early 1939

Scanned from a print. Shows the new premises at 53-55 St Catherine's approaching completion; the photograph was used to illustrate an article in the Lincolnshire Echo , 23 Feb. 1939 , announcing the opening of the new garage on 1 March. See set page for the history of the business.

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01 Jan 1939

101 visits

Young's Garage, 53-55 St. Catherine's, Lincoln, early 1939?

Scanned from an unused postcard mounted in a folder. My grandfather standing at the pumps of the premises at 53-55 St Catherine's; the dangling wire and the absence of cars suggest that this may have been taken just before the opening on 1 March 1939. Note the variety of petrol brands on offer. See set page for the history of the business.

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03 Jun 2012

118 visits

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Garage, 53-55 St Catherine's, Lincoln, 23 Feb. 1939: part 1

For part 2: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329116594/in/set-7215... . For the history of the business, see the set page.

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03 Jun 2012

108 visits

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Garage, 53-55 St Catherine's, Lincoln, 23 Feb. 1939: part 2

For part 1: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For part 3: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329113848/in/set-7215... . For the history of the business, see the set page.

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03 Jun 2012

206 visits

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Garage, 53-55 St Catherine's, Lincoln, 23 Feb. 1939: part 3

The extension of the central heating system to the lock-up garages, which were available for rent, is particularly striking. For part 2: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329116594/in/set-7215... . For the history of the business, see the set page.

03 Jun 2012

112 visits

"Lincolnshire Echo" feature on the new Young's Garage, 53-55 St Catherine's, Lincoln, 23 Feb. 1939: accompanying advertising

For the main article: www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329119536/in/set-7215... . For further information on Austin 10 and Austin 12 prices, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7329103872/in/set-7215... .
21 items in total