Wheeler 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #43

Wheeler Peak, Eastern Nevada Ghost Towns, July 2016.

Wheeler 01

20 Jul 2016 73
Travelling east on HWY 50, contemplating camping near Eastgate, NV off SR 722, but was confronted by this atom bomb like wildfire in that vicinity.

Wheeler 02

Wheeler 03

20 Jul 2016 53
At New Pass between Eastgate and Austin, NV, went north to the New Pass Mine.

Wheeler 04

20 Jul 2016 63
This was an impressive site with intact stamp mill, but heavily posted no trespassing, and a caretaker appeared to be living on the site.

Wheeler 05

Wheeler 06

20 Jul 2016 63
Went poking around for a camp spot at this old ruin but it was defended by barbed wire and cows.

Wheeler 08

20 Jul 2016 82
Finally found a patch of ground with one shade tree several miles from the highway.

Wheeler 09

20 Jul 2016 65
Some camp essentials.

Wheeler 07

Wheeler 10

20 Jul 2016 77
Cool sunset on this high plain.

Wheeler 11

Wheeler 13

21 Jul 2016 55
Next day, Stokes Castle near Austin, NV.

Wheeler 14

Wheeler 15

21 Jul 2016 72
Mine headstock at Stokes Castle.

Wheeler 16

21 Jul 2016 83
Here is the Hickson Petroglyph Recreational Area between Austin and Eureka, NV. The petroglyphs were mostly defaced by idiot tourists, so I didn't photograph them, but there were cool rock formations. I think they know better now to keep historic sites like this hidden from the public.

Wheeler 17

Wheeler 18

21 Jul 2016 90
Thar she blows, the western side of Wheeler Peak coming into view.

Wheeler 19

21 Jul 2016 65
The main peak looks kinda steep from the saddle approach on the left. Gulp.

64 items in total