ID 001

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #41

Northern Nevada and Southern Idaho Ghost Towns, June 2016

ID 001

13 Jun 2016 72
From I-80 to HWY 789 to Midas Road travelled a good 30 miles on dirt road to reach Midas, NV.

ID 002

13 Jun 2016 70
Midas is about half residents and half ghost town, which is why the relics are preserved.

ID 007

13 Jun 2016 78
Cool old 1970's Toyota Landcruiser, seemed to be done travelling by the petrified flat tire.

ID 008

13 Jun 2016 40
Further east past Willow Creek reservoir.

ID 009

13 Jun 2016 44
Spotted a lot of pronghorn antelope on this trip.

ID 010

13 Jun 2016 67
Ruins at Tuscarora, NV. An isolated living town with some relics.

ID 014

13 Jun 2016 60
Although this is mainly BLM country, it is suitable for grazing, meaning we drove for hours and could not find an unfenced spur road with any decent camp pad, despite the vast emptiness.

ID 015

13 Jun 2016 57
Finally found a lone mining tailing pad past an open gated road. All we need to camp is here... a dead-end spur, flat ground, and no vegetation for less campfire risk.

ID 016

13 Jun 2016 64
Lake Mountain in the Tuscarora range, nearly 8,000 ft high, gives a nice sunset.

ID 017

14 Jun 2016 76
Next day north on HWY 225 through Wild Horse Canyon.

ID 018

14 Jun 2016 61
Unexpected abandoned National Forest compound in the Bull Mountains.

126 items in total