Boundary Peak 01

Boundary Peak Ascent

4,100 ft gain, 10 miles, 11 hour hike. July 2014.

Boundary Peak 01

04 Jul 2014 82
Returning on my third attempt at the peak, I was able to drive up the Queen Canyon Mine road to 9,000 ft elevation.

Boundary Peak 02

04 Jul 2014 81
I was hoping to make it all the way up the high switchbacks to 9,800 ft, but only serious trucks and Jeeps are going that far.

Boundary Peak 03

04 Jul 2014 77
Some mining ruins at the Queen Canyon mine.

Boundary Peak 04

Boundary Peak 06

Boundary Peak 07

04 Jul 2014 83
Camping right here was fortuitous, considering the hike took from 7:40 am to 7:00 pm the next day.

Boundary Peak 09

05 Jul 2014 90
Walking up the switchbacks the next day, here's where the saddle drops down to Fish Lake Valley in Nevada.

Boundary Peak 10

05 Jul 2014 78
From the saddle you start climbing the ridge south. Now I can see Trail Canyon from the Nevada side, where I came in the first time.

Boundary Peak 11

05 Jul 2014 78
After 2,000 ft ascent, the imposing peak comes into view.

Boundary Peak 12

05 Jul 2014 72
From here the climb looks seriously steep, which it is, and deceptively smooth, which it is not!

Boundary Peak 13

05 Jul 2014 79
Next a 2-3 mile walk along the relatively flat ridge to get to the base of the peak.

Boundary Peak 14

05 Jul 2014 91
From here you can see where I tried going straight up the middle from Trail Canyon on my first try. I got to about where the cloud shadows begin in that bowl just above the tree line, and said forget it.

Boundary Peak 15

05 Jul 2014 80
The ridge route takes you to Trail Canyon saddle, where you still face a 1,000 scree climb up the next hump.

Boundary Peak 16

05 Jul 2014 76
Looking down at Trail Canyon's lush riparian zone.

Boundary Peak 17

05 Jul 2014 78
Looking at the scree wall. This section is pretty miserable. Up 1,000 ft in about 1 mile or less. A mix of slidey sand and small rock on a fairly vague trail

Boundary Peak 18

05 Jul 2014 79
I met a family hiking on the trail, and 11 year old Matthew kept up with me. His parents and sister are the four specks just beginning the scree wall below.

Boundary Peak 19

05 Jul 2014 76
At the top of the wall, now 3,000 ft up, looking down on the ridge we came across.

Boundary Peak 20

05 Jul 2014 72
The dramatic peak section is suddenly in view. The shark's teeth juts visible from Benton and Highway 6 are now in profile right in front of you.

43 items in total