Red Rock Mine 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #36

Boundary Peak flop #2, Red Rock mining camp, September 2013

Red Rock Mine 01

05 Jan 2001 68
Fall colors near Sagehen Peak, off Hwy 120 between Mono Lake and Benton, CA.

Red Rock Mine 02

Red Rock Mine 03

05 Jan 2001 69
This is the first time I've come out to the desert this late in the season. Impressive display of fall colors.

Red Rock Mine 04

05 Jan 2001 104
Camped at 8,000 ft elevation at Crooked Meadows to get some acclimation for my Boundary Peak hike. My toes went numb overnight, it was cold!

Red Rock Mine 05

05 Jan 2001 67
Boundary Peak and White Mountains from the Sagehen Peak area.

Red Rock Mine 06

06 Jan 2001 110
Sagehen Peak.

Red Rock Mine 07

06 Jan 2001 121
Went up Trail Canyon Road the next day. A recent flash flood really tore the place up. I turned back at one point for not recognizing the road and thinking I was lost, it was so dramatically different.

Red Rock Mine 08

06 Jan 2001 58
I drove this road just seven weeks ago. Apparently Benton got a lot of damage from this storm.

Red Rock Mine 09

06 Jan 2001 85
View from high up in the Whites. In addition to the terrible roads, I had just gotten over a summer cold, the night time temps were worse than I thought for September, and I heard gunshots from up by the trailhead. All combined this spooked me out of the hike. It's a subtle thing, but you have to be extremely stoked to do a peak. If your heart's not in it, you shouldn't go, especially if it's a solo outing.

Red Rock Mine 10

06 Jan 2001 79
Drove down to the relative warmth of 6,000 ft in Fishlake Valley to camp. This was kind of depressing to ditch the hike again, but it actually turned out for the best (more on that at the end).

Red Rock Mine 11

06 Jan 2001 101
I make the best of the second day looking for an alternate trailhead route up the road to Middle Chatovich Creek, south of Trailhead Canyon.

Red Rock Mine 12

06 Jan 2001 114
There are some really nice large homes on big lots out here. What a beautiful place to live.

Red Rock Mine 13

06 Jan 2001 88
Middle Chatovich Creek road says, Sorry Subaru, Jeeps only, go back. Okay.

Red Rock Mine 14

20 Sep 2013 119
Then, just like last time my Boundary Peak hike flopped, I find a ghost town on accident, that I've never heard of and is not in any of my books.

Red Rock Mine 15

20 Sep 2013 73
This one was even bigger and better. I couldn't believe my luck.

Red Rock Mine 16

20 Sep 2013 74
Not a town but actually a mining camp of the Red Rock Mine. But with a dozen relatively unmolested structures, I'm impressed!

Red Rock Mine 17

20 Sep 2013 74
First building is sort of an adobe shed or bunkhouse.

Red Rock Mine 18

81 items in total