Beveridge 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #31

Beveridge Canyon washout, Saline Valley, Cowhorn Valley, Owens Valley, October 2012

Beveridge 01

07 Oct 2012 50
Heading back to Saline Valley to check out a prospective hike up Beveridge Canyon, and confronted with this sign. What the hell? It was such a dry winter.

Beveridge 02

05 Oct 2012 61
At the junction of Death Valley Road and Saline Valley Road begins a slow 40 mile washboard road drive to Beveridge, even when the road isn't closed.

Beveridge 03

05 Oct 2012 59
We were going to give the whole thing up but talked to someone who said the washouts are passable so we gave it a try.

Beveridge 04

05 Oct 2012 66
At first the flash floods that biscted the road were pretty tame.

Beveridge 05

05 Oct 2012 55
Erosion downstream of a typical crossing.

Beveridge 06

05 Oct 2012 66
Erosion upstream of a typical crossing.

Beveridge 07

05 Oct 2012 61
Some got a little gnarlier and forced little S detours around the cave-ins.

Beveridge 08

05 Oct 2012 49
This drainage out of Paiute Canyon really tore up the road.

Beveridge 09

05 Oct 2012 77
Upstream of the small canyon that tore across the road.

Beveridge 10

05 Oct 2012 64
This one at Willow Creek Canyon was the worst, with big sand humps through the washout. I'm sure we could have made it, but with over 2 hours to get these 27 miles in, it was going from adventuresome to a drag and might get worse.

Beveridge 11

05 Oct 2012 72
View down the dramatically scoured Willow Creek Canyon to Saline Valley Dunes and the Salt Lake in the hazy distance. Beveridge is between the two in the mountains to the west.

Beveridge 12

05 Oct 2012 70
Old ranch on private property, I believe occupied, upstream of Willow Creek Canyon.

Beveridge 13

05 Oct 2012 65
The aggresive washout reveals old can dumps, now sliding down the bank.

Beveridge 14

Beveridge 15

05 Oct 2012 72
Took a little walk to get a better view of the ranch. Grey Eagle Mine is in the background dead center on the cliffs.

Beveridge 16

05 Oct 2012 81
Ranch at Willow Creek Canyon.

Beveridge 17

Beveridge 18

88 items in total