LostCoast 01

Lost Coast Backpack

Three days, 26 miles along the Lost Coast of the King Range National Conservation Area, May 25-27 2012.

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27 Apr 2013 82
This Google Earth image shows the 26 mile one-way trek along the Lost Coast of the King Range National Conservation Area.

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30 Sep 2011 82
Mattole beach, where our hike begins. Travis and I drove to the exit point at Shelter Cove and hired a shuttle to take us north to Mattole.

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30 Sep 2011 75
Weather was drizzly, so glad I had just bought an ultralight raincoat.

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30 Sep 2011 91
Plenty of water from the endless waterfalls that pop out of the steep drainages.

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30 Sep 2011 67
Old vacation cabins that are now part of the park.

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30 Sep 2011 66
Punta Gorda Lighthouse.

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30 Sep 2011 69
At times the trail leaves the beach and up rugged cliffs.

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63 items in total