death valley 5 - 01

Desert Ghost Town Trek #15b

Death Valley off-road, April 2008

death valley 5 - 01

22 Apr 2008 67
Day four of this trip begins our first all-wheel drive trek into Death Valley. Entering from Panamint Valley's Wildrose Canyon Road, we climb past where my lousy Mazda overheated in 2005 and I was unable to hike Telescope Peak. About four miles past Wildrose Camp are these charcoal kilns from the mining era.

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22 Apr 2008 61
Looking down on the eastern Sierras and Owens Valley from the kilns.

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22 Apr 2008 59
Now we are able to drive all the way up to Mahogany Flat campground at 8,000 feet, which looks down on Badwater basin.

death valley 5 - 07

22 Apr 2008 67
Checking out the trailhead to Telescope Peak. It's pretty cold up here but the temps are supposed to rise over the next few days so we opt to tour and camp a few days in the warmer valley first.

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22 Apr 2008 77
Heading north on Emigrant Canyon Road into Death Valley, an all wheel drive detour to Harrisburg ghost town (mining camp) site.

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22 Apr 2008 41
Aguereberry mine.

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22 Apr 2008 64
Head stock at top of Aguereberry stamp mill.

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22 Apr 2008 59
Looking down on Harrisburg from the mine's head stock.

90 items in total