Gold Point 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #34

Gold Point NV, Memorial Day Weekend 2013.

Gold Point 01

25 May 2013 88
Set out to experience the Memorial Day Weekend festivities at Gold Point, NV. Here we are at the new Boundary Peak overlook on HWY 6 in Benton Valley, just past the Nevada border.

Gold Point 02

25 May 2013 97
I'm supposed to hike this peak in several weeks. Better get in shape.

Gold Point 03

26 May 2013 55
Here's Gold Point. We've been here before, but somehow overlooked the Saloon, so we made up for lost time in it.

Gold Point 04

26 May 2013 73
Gold Point has about 27 residents and on this weekend they allow camping and have some cookouts.

Gold Point 05

26 May 2013 65
Lost Horse in front of the Saloon.

Gold Point 06

25 May 2013 57
Powder from the former Bay Area town of Hercules that produced during the mining era. The site is now on the fringes of Point Pinole regional park.

Gold Point 07

25 May 2013 45
The Alkali Flats from Sacramento CA are whooping up the place tonight. Hard to tell from the photo but this place got packed and lively on into the wee hours.

Gold Point 08

25 May 2013 73
Moseying back to camp. We opted to drive out into the desert a bit to camp, but not in that car.

Gold Point 09

Gold Point 10

25 May 2013 45
My Desert Queen.

Gold Point 11

20 May 2013 44
Little spot out of town near some mining sheds where we made camp.

Gold Point 12

26 May 2013 46
Startled some wild horses, who came busting out of this spring vegetation.

Gold Point 13

Gold Point 14

Gold Point 15

Gold Point 16

26 May 2013 68
A view of Gold Point from the south of town.

Gold Point 17

26 May 2013 69
Some sizable mining operation ruins out around the outskirts.

Gold Point 18

57 items in total