Inyo Mono 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #58

Inyo Mountains, Mono Lake, June 2021

Inyo Mono 01

13 Jun 2021 42
After some backpacking on the Inyo Crest, tried to drive the Mazourka Canyon road all the way from Independence, CA to Death Valley Road out of Big Pine, CA.

Inyo Mono 02

13 Jun 2021 41
Good road conditions on the first few miles, and some old ranch ruins.

Inyo Mono 03

Inyo Mono 04

Inyo Mono 05

Inyo Mono 06

Inyo Mono 07

13 Jun 2021 41
Several miles of rougher slow going roads uphill to Badger Flat.

Inyo Mono 08

Inyo Mono 09

Inyo Mono 10

13 Jun 2021 44
Looking south down the Inyos, the distant peak possibly the one I camped near the night before.

Inyo Mono 11

13 Jun 2021 43
Looking west to the high eastern Sierras.

Inyo Mono 12

13 Jun 2021 41
Next landmark is Papoose Flat, but the roads get considerably worse.

Inyo Mono 13

13 Jun 2021 39
This stretch of sharp tire-popping rock fields is where I decided to turn back. It was about 15 miles into the 30 mile route.

Inyo Mono 14

13 Jun 2021 50
Camped high on a ridge near Mazourka Peak, with some much needed wind shelter.

Inyo Mono 15

14 Jun 2021 40
Views across to the high Sierras from camp.

Inyo Mono 16

14 Jun 2021 43
I think this is Taboose Creek Pass coming out of the JMT. Nice view of it from this elevation. If it's as bad as Baxter Pass, I don't think I'll ever be doing it.

Inyo Mono 17

14 Jun 2021 39
Greeted by a really long whipsnake or racer on the way out.

Inyo Mono 18

45 items in total