Inyo Crest 01

Inyo Crest Backpack

12 mile one night trek on the Inyo Mountains from Cerro Gordo to Mexican Spring. June 12-13 2021.

Inyo Crest 01

12 Jun 2021 40
Starting out once again from Cerro Gordo ghost town site on the Swansea Salt Tram Road, to further my last attempt.

Inyo Crest 02

12 Jun 2021 39
Last time I tried the decaying pipeline berm (faintly visible middle horizontal here) to not lose any elevation, but I had no trekking poles, a 30 pound pack, and it got too sketchy. This time I will stick to the road, suffering an elevation loss and regain of 1,800' (switchbacks in upper left).

Inyo Crest 03

Inyo Crest 04

Inyo Crest 05

12 Jun 2021 36
View after regaining the elevation on this insanely steep road.

Inyo Crest 06

12 Jun 2021 36
Perfect views of Whitney again. Great weather, too.

Inyo Crest 07

12 Jun 2021 39
First glance over to the Saline Valley side.

Inyo Crest 08

Inyo Crest 09

12 Jun 2021 68
Far left would be the hot springs area, and the dirt road running up towards the Racetrack in Death Valley.

Inyo Crest 10

12 Jun 2021 73
At about center in this photo are some ruins at Cerro Gordo Spring. Somehow water was pumped or hauled out of there and fed the pipeline berm, which gravity led all the way to Cerro Gordo in its heyday.

Inyo Crest 11

12 Jun 2021 63
The 200 foot drop in elevation looks like nothing on the map. I thought I would just trot down there and check it out, but it's way too rugged and an energy burn. I also don't see any evidence of spring flow, so there is no water to gain from the extra climb.

Inyo Crest 12

Inyo Crest 13

Inyo Crest 14

Inyo Crest 15

Inyo Crest 16

12 Jun 2021 65
Owens Lake and Lone Pine, CA.

Inyo Crest 17

Inyo Crest 18

48 items in total