RCT 001

Ruby Crest Trail Backpack

4 days, 34 miles along the Ruby Crest Trail in eastern Nevada. 8,400' cumulative elevation gains. August 5-8, 2020.

RCT 001

05 Aug 2020 36
Heading into Lamoille Canyon with Dave, Lora and Paul to drop some vehicles at the north end of the hike.

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05 Aug 2020 33
Back to Harrison Pass at the south end where Paul's big truck can get us a couple miles up the "trail" on a rough dirt road.

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05 Aug 2020 35
Second trailhead sign where we drop the truck and the road quickly worsens to a rock jumble.

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05 Aug 2020 37
Third trailhead sign where the single track trail begins and views of the high granite parts of the Ruby Mountains open up.

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05 Aug 2020 41
One of the few creeks to pull water from.

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05 Aug 2020 40
East-west ridges alternate with valleys that drift down to the desert floor.

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05 Aug 2020 38
Dropping into a birch forest full of Indian Paintbrush.

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05 Aug 2020 63
Also "Basque Carvings," an artform going back to sheepherding Spanish settlers.

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05 Aug 2020 46
The tradition appears to continue into the 1970s to the present.

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05 Aug 2020 41
Down into another of three creeks we pass on the first day.

111 items in total