Sierra Buttes-01

Sierra Buttes PCT Backpack

Two days, 20 miles in and out from Sierra City around the Sierra Buttes and into some high lakes. June 30, July 1, 2020.

30 Jun 2020

28 visits

Sierra Buttes-01

PCT trailhead out of Sierra City, CA. Tiny pullout with room for just three cars, so I snugged up next to a tree to ensure the middle spot was open.

30 Jun 2020

31 visits

Sierra Buttes-02

1,600 ft elevation aggressive climb up to the foot of the Sierra Buttes, with 1,200 more to get over them.

30 Jun 2020

26 visits

Sierra Buttes-03

30 Jun 2020

33 visits

Sierra Buttes-04

Looking 1/3 mile down back to Sierra City gold rush era town.

30 Jun 2020

34 visits

Sierra Buttes-05

30 Jun 2020

34 visits

Sierra Buttes-06

30 Jun 2020

29 visits

Sierra Buttes-07

Edging along the buttes in brilliant lichen.

30 Jun 2020

30 visits

Sierra Buttes-08

30 Jun 2020

33 visits

Sierra Buttes-09

25 items in total