Edison - Mammoth 001

Lake Edison to Mammoth JMT Backpack

Five days, 33 miles, section of the John Muir Trail from the west out of Fresno to the east at Mammoth, CA. August 2019.

Edison - Mammoth 001

09 Aug 2019 64
One of the more logistically convoluted treks I have done, involving driving to a friend's in Fresno who let us stay at his cabin at Shaver Lake, then dropped us off at Vermillion Valley Resort on the west shore of Lake Thomas A. Edison, in time to catch the one and only a.m. ferry across the lake to access the John Muir Trail on the east side.

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09 Aug 2019 36
Record snow melts led to stories of scary creek crossings in July, but by the time we went, Mono Creek crossing was the widest and not too swift. Easy crossing in sockless waterproof boots.

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09 Aug 2019 68
This one up North Fork Mono Creek was narrower, deeper and swifter. I was comfortable with the big leap over the rocks these folks are nerving up for. My hiking pal opted to ford upstream and it looked pretty stressful.

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09 Aug 2019 40
About a 2,600 ft gain in nine miles that first day with no acclimation was slow going.

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09 Aug 2019 76
Got into some nice meadows on the way but the heavy snow melts led to high mosquito populations, which incentivized us to get all the way up to some alpine tundra for the night.

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09 Aug 2019 67
Arriving at Silver Pass Lake at 10,400 ft and really ready for camp.

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10 Aug 2019 61
Morning at Silver Pass Lake. No mosquitoes, but frost on the bear cans was a first for me. Usually high elevation nights in August are fine.

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10 Aug 2019 40
Heading up Silver Pass.

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10 Aug 2019 68
Met this adorable grouse on the trail that was completely unafraid of humans. It cooed and pecked greens just a dozen feet in front of us.

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10 Aug 2019 88
Past one of the few remaining swaths of snow that still covered the trail.

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10 Aug 2019 57
First part of Silver Pass where Chief Lake comes into view.

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10 Aug 2019 64
Top of Silver Pass, Chief Lake below.

98 items in total