Inyo 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #52

Inyo Mountains Mining Sites, June 2019.

Inyo 01

29 Jun 2019 83
Camped at about 5,800 ft elevation in the Inyo Mountains above Keeler, CA. The ore chute is the last stop of an old pulley drawn cable tram from the Morning Star Mine farther up the mountain.

Inyo 03

30 Jun 2019 109
Drove up to Cerro Gordo ghost town at 9k ft, and brought my backpack with hopes of overnight hiking to a “Mexican Spring” (only known from an old quad sheet) to confirm if there was any water out there for a future extended trek to Beveridge ghost town. The Inyos are dry, steep, and generally really hot or really cold. I have six liters of water and a 30 lb pack.

Inyo 04

30 Jun 2019 118
Took the Swansea Salt Tram Road, a 130+ year old decaying road along cliffs, as a form of a trail. This tram hauled salt over the 10k ft Inyo Mountains from Saline Valley to Owens Valley in the 19th century.

Inyo 05

30 Jun 2019 71
Cerro Gordo as seen from the tram road.

Inyo 06

30 Jun 2019 92
Keeler and Owens Lake from the tram road.

Inyo 07

30 Jun 2019 112
Mt. Whitney from the tram road.

Inyo 08

30 Jun 2019 114
I like 4WD trekking, but this is beyond the ability of my Subaru and even with the best rig it would be intimidating, which is why I’m walking it.

Inyo 09

30 Jun 2019 64
Here I divert from the “road” and greedily take a gravity fed pipeline berm which takes a more level course to my goal. Otherwise, the road drops and then has to reclaim about 1,800 ft elevation, which I hope to avoid.

Inyo 11

30 Jun 2019 66
Occasional signs of the old pipeline along the berm.

Inyo 12

30 Jun 2019 130
The berm trail is getting pretty sparse from a century of slides and erosion, despite the occasional goofball like me trying to hike it. There is about three miles of this to get through, so it is slow going.

Inyo 13

30 Jun 2019 128
More ancient junk along the trail.

Inyo 14

30 Jun 2019 132
Here comes a tin cabin. Cool!

Inyo 15

30 Jun 2019 122
This is a beauty. Free from vandals out here.

Inyo 17

30 Jun 2019 136
Small historic relics respectfully placed about by visitors rather than taken home.

Inyo 18

59 items in total