BP - 32

Berryessa Peak

15 miles round trip with 3,200 ft gains in elevation, June 20 2019.

21 Jun 2019

35 visits

BP - 00

One of the toughest peak hikes in the greater SF Bay Area. At 15 miles round trip with 3,200 ft gains in elevation, it isn’t the longest or the steepest, but the trail is unmaintained and sorely eroding after a fire and some really wet winters. About half the trek is along crumbling cliffs, parts of which in waist high star thistle with the occasional rattlesnake. Long pants, 3+ liters of water and GPS a must. Took me three attempts to complete this compelling and miserable hike.

28 Apr 2019

50 visits

BP - 01

First attempt was on 4/29/19, early enough to beat the summer heat, but made the mistake of wearing shorts and shoes that were not waterproof.

28 Apr 2019

41 visits

BP - 02

But the wildflowers were nice!

28 Apr 2019

58 visits

BP - 03

28 Apr 2019

51 visits

BP - 04

28 Apr 2019

28 visits

BP - 05

28 Apr 2019

58 visits

BP - 06

After a couple miles of vague fire road you bear up a ridge on single track, sometimes plowing up 45 degrees.

28 Apr 2019

61 visits

BP - 07

28 Apr 2019

70 visits

BP - 08

33 items in total