Baxter 001

Bishop Pass to Baxter Pass JMT Backpack

Six days, 57 miles, in and out of the John Muir Trail from the Eastern Sierras. Cumulative ascents of about 12,000 ft and descents of about 15,200 ft. August 2018.

Baxter 001

27 Aug 2018 61
Spent the night in Lone Pine and started calling shuttles first thing in the a.m. to get my car dropped off at Baxter Pass trailhead and then myself up to Bishop Pass trailhead, west of Bishop CA at South Lake.

Baxter 002

27 Aug 2018 57
The trail starts at 9,700 ft and I didn't have much time to acclimate the elevation, so it was slow going at first.

Baxter 003

27 Aug 2018 50
Conservation Corps workers restoring the rugged Bishop Pass switchbacks.

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27 Aug 2018 73
Looking back on the ascent up Bishop Creek drainage, Long Lake, Saddlerock Lake.

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27 Aug 2018 40
Near the top there is a miniature Whitney Peak type formation, and a pyramid!

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27 Aug 2018 65
Looking west toward the descent to the John Muir Trail.

Baxter 007

27 Aug 2018 68
Camped very comfortably at about 11,000 ft on a bench in Dusy Basin.

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28 Aug 2018 54
Greeted by interesting birds in the morning. This character almost looks like a parrot.

Baxter 009

28 Aug 2018 37
Some sort of High Sierra pheasants or grouse burst from the shrubs as I started walking, and alighted in pine limbs, trying not to be noticed.

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Baxter 011

28 Aug 2018 63
Passing through the small lakes on Dusy Basin.

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28 Aug 2018 30
Here the basin plunges down, revealing the majestic Le Conte Canyon.

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28 Aug 2018 62
About 2,500 ft of switchbacks down to the Middle Fork Kings River at the bottom.

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28 Aug 2018 49
Looking upstream of Kings River JMT route north.

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28 Aug 2018 64
Looking downstream of Kings River JMT route south.

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28 Aug 2018 63
Now at the JMT junction.

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28 Aug 2018 53
Heading south with The Citadel in the distance.

Baxter 018

28 Aug 2018 60
The Citadel.

100 items in total