Eclipse 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #46

Total Eclipse Trek, Eastern Oregon, August 2017

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20 Aug 2017

76 visits

Eclipse 01

Stayed Saturday night in Winnemucca, NV to get close before hunting out a camp site on Sunday. Went north of Ontario, OR on Hwy 84 through this arid extent of the Great Basin, where the Snake River separates Oregon from Idaho.

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21 Aug 2017

91 visits

Eclipse 02

Took Hwy 30 through the tiny town of Huntington, OR then to this mining ruin site of Lime, OR. This photo was taken after the eclipse. At 3pm on Sunday when we arrived there were people camped anywhere a flat spot would allow.

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21 Aug 2017

91 visits

Eclipse 03

We didn't plan to stay at the mine site, we planned to go up the windy roads I had scoped out behind it via Google Maps months before. Again this photo was taken next day. When we arrived, there were many more cars, some National Guard were posted here, and the access road going up the right was blocked off with a Road Closed sign.

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21 Aug 2017

115 visits

Eclipse 04

Undeterred, we went around the sign and way up the hill to a tiny ledge that only one 4W Drive vehicle could fit on. Beyond that was an unlocked gate that led to our intended BLM lands. Some people were going through the gate, we were unsure of how to play it since we had a secure spot.

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20 Aug 2017

101 visits

Eclipse 05

Took this one picture on our happy perch on Sunday before the Sherriff came and shooed away those who were daring to pass the sign. A debate ensured between the local law and BLM rangers who wanted to open up the road.

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21 Aug 2017

105 visits

Eclipse 06

The really nice BLM rangers told us about another entrance a few miles up the highway that was not blocked by private property. It also had a National Guard unit posted, but they kindly waved us in.

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20 Aug 2017

108 visits

Eclipse 07

Climbing high, high up Lookout Mountain from the distant mining camp ravine below. Steep terrain and limited safe parking without starting a grass fire meant every possible pullout was occupied by a camper.

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20 Aug 2017

87 visits

Eclipse 08

I took a rough spur that would outfox any non-4W drive cars down to a little pullout. The main dirt road you see above my open passenger door had vehicles streaming in all evening and even sporadically all night.

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20 Aug 2017

98 visits

Eclipse 09

We got really lucky. Only about five vehicles dared come down this little spur (some in the middle of the night), and either turned back, our found another tiny patch a few hundred yards away from us. This stressful day was followed by a pretty sleepless night.
24 items in total