~ Tweet Tweet ~


19 Apr 2014

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558 visits

~ Tweet Tweet ~

On a forest walk on Maui last week, we came across quite a few free range chickens and their chicks. The mother of this one was taking a dirt bath and spraying this little one and her other four babies with dirt. They couldn't have been more than a day or so old but it was amazing how they had learned some independence in such a short time. Isn't nature marvelous??? :-)))

23 Mar 2014

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552 visits

~ Male Northern Flicker ~

We have daily visits to the suet feeders from the Northern Flickers in our area. They are beautiful and very gentle birds. If there is another bird feeding on the suet the Flicker will sit and patiently wait it's turn until the feeding bird has finished and left. Thank you for your visits, comments and invitations to groups, dear friends. Have a wonderful day-:)

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25 Jul 2014

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864 visits

~ Turtle Dove ~

Explore 2/9/14 There is a pair of Turtle Doves that seem to really like my tree ... probably because there's always food and water available:-) Thank you for your visits and kind comments dear friends:-)

25 Mar 2016

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294 visits

Immature Great Horned Owl

I spotted this sleeping GHO high up in an old Cottonwood tree in a local park. Thank you for your visits and comments, they are very much appreciated:-)))

28 Sep 2016

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766 visits


Rufus Hummingbird and Agapanthus. Thank you so much for your visits and comments dear friends-:)))