
Vintage Ladybird Books


07 Apr 2013 2 1 288
Tootles the of my favouritest Ladybird books as a kid..I was especially fascinated by the railway dray & would always look out for them on visits to big railway stations...(usually Carlisle Citadel station)...anyway these few pages are all thats left of my copy...pure nostalgia...hope you enjoy!

March Hare madness!

The Ladybird Book of Trees.

16 May 2014 2 2 269
Masterly Water-colours by famous tree artist Stanley Roy Badmin (1906 -1989) Printed in England 1963. Original price 2/6!

Horse Chestnut.

Sweet Chestnut.

17 May 2014 115
Or Spanish Chestnut.

Ilex or Evergreen Oak.

17 May 2014 132
Wild Cherry in front.

A trio of Willows.

17 May 2014 136
Crack Willow (L), White Willow (C) & Cricket Bat Willow (R) - The wood of female trees makes the best cricket bats.

Aspen & Larch.

17 May 2014 132
Aspen - A Poplar, in front, Tall Larch behind.

Cedar of Lebanon.

17 May 2014 155
And a White Poplar.

London Plane.

17 May 2014 139
By far the most common of all roadside trees in London, it is a hybrid of the American Plane & the Oriental Plane. There is a small Weeping Elm at right.

Macho Poplars!

17 May 2014 137
Black Italian Poplar (L) & Lombardy Poplar (R) All Poplars in Britain are male!

Alder (L) & Elder.

17 May 2014 1 142
Catkins from the Alder & Elderberries from the Elder.

The Lime or Linden Tree.

An untrained Hawthorn.

17 May 2014 138
The Wayfaring tree at right.

The Holly & the errr..Crab Apple...

17 May 2014 194
Both in flower.

Rowan (with berries) & Ash.

17 May 2014 216
The Rowan is a member of the Rose family & The Ash is known as 'Venus of the Woods' because of its graceful form.

80 items in total