The Great Fire of London with Ludgate & Old St. Pauls.

19 Buildings that survived the Great Fire of London.

04 Apr 2017

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The Great Fire of London with Ludgate & Old St. Pauls.

A 1670 oil painting by an unknown artist. Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut.

08 Mar 2017

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103 visits

19 buildings that survived the Great Fire of London.

The Map shows the extent of Medieval London and the position of the buildings photos which follow....

30 Aug 2021

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The Great Fire of London, 1666.

Started in Thomas Farriner's Bakery in Pudding Lane - a successful business which provided bread to the Royal Navy. Over four days in September 1666 the fire gutted the medieval City of London - only 19 buildings survived the destruction. * The 'Pudding' in the lanes name was an ancient term for offal which was shipped down the River Thames close by.

30 Aug 2021

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London's burning, London's burning, Fire fire!

Fire fire, Fetch the engines, fetch the engines, Fire fire, fire fire, Pour on water, pour on water.... Public seating near Pudding Lane and the Monument to the Great Fire of London. This Nursery Rhyme is a bit of a mystery, thought to be about the Great Fire in 1666, some think it's about WW2, there are similar rhymes about Edinburgh and Amsterdam.

29 Aug 2021

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No.19 The Guildhall.

Buildings that survived the Great Fire of London 1666. The Guildhall is a ceremonial centre for the City of London, made up of many architectural styles and additions - it was partially damaged in the great fire, repairs were made in 1670.

28 Aug 2021

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No.18 St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate.

Buildings that survived the Great Fire of London. The Anglican Church of St Helen Bishopsgate survived both the great fire and the blitz, parts of the building date back to the 12th century. William Shakespeare worshipped here when a resident of the area.

26 Aug 2021

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117 visits

No.17 Staple Inn, Holborn.

Buildings that survived the Great Fire of London. Tudor building, the last surviving Inn of Chancery (don't ask it's complicated, something to do with the wool trade!) Having survived the great fire it was damaged in the blitz but later restored.

03 Sep 2021

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No.16 The Olde Wine Shades.

Buildings that survived the Great Fire of London. One of London's oldest pubs, built in 1663 as a merchants house, a tunnel leads down to the River Thames, two blocks away.

26 Aug 2021

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No.15 The Old Curiosity Shop.

Buildings that survived the Great Fire of London. Built in1567, usually always a shop, Famous only after Charles Dicken's book was published in 1841....Sorry, not a great photo due to building works.
23 items in total