Big J

Even More Mug Shots

26 Aug 2019

3 favorites


122 visits

Big J

Lincoln Cathedral.

26 Aug 2019

1 favorite

127 visits

Madonna - Sunbathing!

Lincoln Cathedral.

23 Jul 2019

131 visits

William Wordsworth.

Romantic English poet and poet laureate was born in Cockermouth, Cumbria in what is now called Wordsworth House in the Main Street of the town, this bust faces the house.

23 Jul 2019

128 visits

Old Willy Wordsworth himself!

26 May 2019

1 favorite

131 visits

William Morris - The man...

Great British designer, author, poet and social activist, born in Walthamstow in 1834 to a wealthy banker family, he studied classics at Oxford.

26 May 2019

1 comment

156 visits

St.Cecilia - leaded glass by William Morris

Morris' rendering of the patron saint of musicians.

26 May 2019

122 visits

Enos - leaded glass by William Morris

Pre Raphaelite inspired design - Enos, nephew of Cain and Abel.

26 May 2019

1 favorite


121 visits

Enos - detail

William Morris Gallery.

26 May 2019

4 favorites

134 visits

National portrait gallery

Dame Laura Knight - Self portrait - LONDON - A NEW ANGLE -
18 items in total