A Chance Meeting with a Cat

Cat, Singular

10 Aug 2012

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213 visits

Return of the Lacock Abbey Cat

Sigma 15-30mm F3.5-4.5 EX DG Aspherical DF lens on a Nikon D90. Used here at its full telephoto.

30 Oct 2019

6 favorites


147 visits

A Chance Meeting with a Cat

Photographed with a Canon EF 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 lens on a Canon EOS 30D camera. Lens at 35mm, as wide as it will go, but that is equivalent to 55mm on a full frame camera. The cat was most obliging but being unaware of its love of the camera I shot hurriedly with the settings left from the previous use: 1/1000th shutter; f/8 aperture; 800 ISO. Whereas none of those would have been my unhurried choice, they suited the cat well enough. The bokeh is not so good, but it's often that way with a slow zoom lens anyway.

02 Nov 2016

171 visits

The Lacock Abbey Cat

This friendly cat frequents the grounds of Lacock Abbey. Nikon D700 + AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8 lens.

08 Oct 2013

138 visits

The Lacock Abbey Gardens Cat

Various cats frequent Lacock Abbey. This one seemed to have dominion over the gardens. There is a decent building in the gardens for indoor plants. At least, we think it is for indoor plants. The cat thinks it is for cats, or more accurately, cat, singular.

02 Jun 2014

149 visits

Lacock Abbey Cat

Photographed at Lacock Abbey, with a Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro and a Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 AF-D lens.

17 Aug 2015

143 visits

Canal Cat

Canon EOS 40D + Canon EF 35-135mm f/4-5.6 lens.

28 Sep 2015

165 visits

Lacock Abbey Cat

On a pleasantly warm day, what better to do than stretch out in the flower bed for a bit of shut-eye. Obligingly, however, this feline agreed to be photographed by a succession of visitors, astutely recognising what side its bread was buttered on. Nikon D2Xs + Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AI lens.

02 Jun 2014

172 visits


Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro with a Nikkor AF-D 85mm f/1.8 lens.

10 Aug 2012

1 favorite

1 comment

38 visits

The Lacock Abbey Cat

Nikon D90 + Sigma 15-30mm F3.5-4.5 lens.
10 items in total