Awaiting Collection

A Break in the Rain

14 Oct 2024

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61 visits

Awaiting Collection

Don't be frightened, these bins are mostly herbivore, notwithstanding the odd mouse or worm.

14 Oct 2024

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72 visits

Local Government Quality Service Delivery

Step One: The Council issues every household with a kerbside recycling box for glass bottles and jars (originally it was also for textiles and tin cans, but peremptorily they stopped wanting textiles and directed that tin cans should go in another of their many bins). Step Two: Every recycling box comes complete with a separate lightweight lid. No advice (such as 'buy a brick') is provided on the safe use of these lids. Step Three: There is a gale force wind and all the lids evacuate themselves to some nearby farmer's fields. Step Four: A Council Spokesperson says, 'We never saw that coming' and is commended for good planning and communication at the Local Government Chronicle Annual Awards Ceremony for Quality Service Delivery.

14 Oct 2024

42 visits

Brake, Brake, Brake

Brake, brake, brake, On thy cold macadam, O cars!

14 Oct 2024

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50 visits

Walking His Dog

This man asked about the camera. Then he and his dog sportingly posed for their picture to be taken with it. Much thanks, Sir.

14 Oct 2024

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48 visits

Magnet, B&W

14 Oct 2024

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58 visits

Bridge Over The Biss

Few graffiti artists in this town are equipped with apparatus enabling safe descent from high points and generating 'how did they do that?' gasps from viewers who see their efforts. Graffiti artists are largely solitary by nature, so there is little chance that they will form a club to share the cost of mountaineering stuff. In any case, they would be worried that any association could be infiltrated by the Secret Service. So they use whatever platforms happen to be available, as shown here, which can make their messages necessarily brief.

14 Oct 2024

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61 visits

Wet Saddle

This is a hybrid bike which isn't optimised for cycling up mountains nor for travelling along roads. At least that's what I understood from my research.

14 Oct 2024

53 visits

2022 Vintage

This is where a zoom lens has some advantages.

14 Oct 2024

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52 visits

Fences and Signposts

Imagine a culture with no use for fences or signposts. Nikon D40 and 18-200mm lens.
10 items in total