It Is All Temporary

Telephone Directory

30 May 2024

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82 visits

It Is All Temporary

Your name in a telephone directory. Beautiful young women being photographed for a living. It is all temporary. It all changes. Barthes' Camera Lucida develops the twin concepts of studium and punctum: studium denoting the cultural, linguistic, and political interpretation of a photograph, punctum denoting the wounding, personally touching detail which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it. The studium category is really quite wide. The punctum category, on the other hand, is by contrast exclusively about emotional reaction. Related particularly to portraiture, the ultimate effect of punctum is the intimation of death. The essence of photography is the implied message: ''That has been.''

02 Aug 2023

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73 visits

You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)

12 Jul 2023

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96 visits

In Search of N

11 Jul 2023

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1 comment

148 visits

Number, Please

14 Aug 2024

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84 visits


I am still improving this but the improvement is small, so you might not notice. The process is simple: a double exposure is made. The resulting photograph becomes the foundation of another double exposure using a new, third, photograph. And so on. There are many false starts and thwarted hopes, but eventually something acceptable emerges.