
I Can't Explain


14 Nov 2015 3 250
Canon EOS 30D + Soligor C/D 28mm f/2.8 lens with extension tube.


10 Dec 2015 3 1 152
Photographed with a Canon EOS 40D and a Chinon 55mm f/1.4 lens rescued from a Chinon CX camera.

The Velox Girl (Infrared Edit)

13 Dec 2018 3 4 308
A girl. A smile. A camera. Click. Later: A black-and-white print (No name, no details). Much later: The black-and-white print On eBay. Sold. (No name, no details). The girl - Who knows?

Girl, Superimposed

30 Jan 2019 3 2 135
This is a double exposure using a Nikon D2Xs. The jeans were initially photographed hanging in my wardrobe; for this image I photographed the original from the computer screen. They form the background to the girl where the stitching nicely follows the contour of her spine. I can't remember who took the girl's photo; it is some time since I first saw and admired it and I hope I will be forgiven for taking a liberty with it here. The whole was processed in Lightroom which provides a dizzying array of options for this sort of thing. A possible entry for the Magnet School of Joinery Digital Collage and Multiple Exposure 2019 Exhibition.

V. Lge Rms

03 Dec 2015 1 82
We've just got to get on with it.

Them Again

Theda Bara is on Furlough

27 Jun 2023 1 2 84
Theda Bara is on furlough. This lady stepped in at short notice, and the Chairman and Board of Directors would like to thank her for filling in so randomly.

Passing Through

The 35mm Photographer's Handbook

18 Nov 2015 247
Canon EOS 40D + Chinon 55mm f/1.4 lens.

Cat's Squirrel

04 Jul 2023 2 104
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright.

Guerlain, 1969 B&W

16 Nov 2010 1 100
Guerlain is French. They do perfume and cosmetics. They've been doing that for a long time. They must be very good at it.

The Limbo Connection

01 Dec 2009 2 131
Novel by Derry Quinn. Paperback edition published in 1977 by Magnum Books. Cover photograph by Robert Golden. The book cover does not reveal the name of the model who posed for this assignment.


28 Jul 2023 1 94
The layout of the track at Monza looks nothing like this. I have no idea why the name 'Monza' came to mind when a title was required for this altered image.

Waiting in the Shadows

29 Jul 2023 1 4 85
What really annoyed Timmy was not so much their insufferable superiority and snobbishness but that they smelt really awful. He believed their monstrous gluttony was the reason for this.

Un Défilé de Mode aux Folies Norwich

30 Jul 2023 2 5 109
The ghost of Édouard Manet moves over East Anglia.


02 Aug 2023 1 100
This started from an advertisement for a beauty product called Proteinail which appeared during 1969. There may have been a colour version, but the one I saw was in black and white. I thought it would make a pretty picture if the model was repeated four times, like a tetraptych, so I found a way of doing that. I left it that way for several years. More recently, on a whim, I combined the still black and white tetraptych in a double exposure with a vivid colour close-up photograph of an old matchbox. It's not apparent in this depiction, but for information, the matchbox featured a cartoon-like painting of six dancing girls. It is very attractive on its own, just as the original Proteinail advertisement was. I think this is probably the culmination of the project, but you never can tell.

Proteinail 1969 Meets Matchbox Dancing Girls Tetr…

02 Aug 2023 6 107
This tells you what you already know: it's all about the eyes.

42 items in total