DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

Dayton Power & Light

17 Sep 2014

288 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

17 Sep 2014

274 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

17 Sep 2014

282 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

17 Sep 2014

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400 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

A nice late 1950's DP&L pole. When inspecting a branding, many times the most difficult section to read is the year, unlike the brand name or the height. But the pole read: SWP 1959 SPC Class 4 40'.

17 Sep 2014

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332 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

17 Sep 2014

268 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

17 Sep 2014

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272 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

These shorter arms aren't as common in DP&L's territory as the 8' ones. The center phases looks to have been added at a later time. Nice classic slack span otherwise!

17 Sep 2014

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321 visits

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

1950's-60's era DP&L!

17 Sep 2014

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346 visits

DP&L 7.2kV & 345kV - West Milton, OH