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Skyline of New York from the Hudson River
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Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:3571 x 2551 pixels
Created on:2021:08:30 06:47:58-04:00
Modified on:2021:08:30 07:18:54
Software:Adobe Photoshop 22.5 (Macintosh)
Artistcordia murphy
Color ModeRGB
Color SpaceUncalibrated
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Creatorcordia murphy
DescriptionLooking down the Hudson from the Tappan Zee Bridge towards the skyline at dusk. You can see the little lights from the boats, the George Washington Bridge and Palisades...Wanted to make this more interesting so did it in digital painting incorporating a lot of different media.
Document AncestorsED0CB216648047476B8502C73BA759 95
Exif Version0231
History Actionsaved, saved
History Changed/, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:df6c3120-98d0-4cc0-9fa 3-bb03e0c529e4, xmp.iid:690489f0-b0a2-4333-b1d 5-dcba80092c97
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop 22.5 (Macintosh), Adobe Photoshop 22.5 (Macintosh)
History When2021:08:30 07:08:06-04:00, 2021:08:30 07:18:54-04:00
Image DescriptionLooking down the Hudson from the Tappan Zee Bridge towards the skyline at dusk. You can see the little lights from the boats, the George Washington Bridge and Palisades...Wanted to make this more interesting so did it in digital painting incorporating a lot of different media.
Image Size3571x2551
Legacy IPTC Digest89875F7FA8D67225669902977E67A9 BF
Metadata Date2021:08:30 07:18:54-04:00
Original Document IDED0CB216648047476B8502C73BA759 95
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Resolution Unitinches
Samples Per Pixel3
SubjectManhattan, skyline, skyline of New York, Hudson River, George Washington Bridge, Tappan Zee Bridge, river, bridge, railroad, tracks, train.
Thumbnail Offset714
TitleSkyline of New York from the Hudson River
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 7.0-c000 79.dabacbb, 2021/04/14-00:39:44