Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

Breathing IMG 20241013 205851

Beechdrop flowering DSC 9268

14 Sep 2024 10 8 161
Plants behaving badly: Beech-drops (Epifagus virginiana) are parasitic plants that grow on the roots of beech trees. They only emerge above ground to flower. Beech-drops lack chlorophyll as they obtain all their nutrients from the host trees with most of their life spent underground attached to the tree root. In this way they can survive in the deep shade of the forest floor. The flowering plants are about 20 to 30 cm tall and look like dead sticks until backlit, when the delicacy of their flowers appears.

REM-MTL-IMG 20240904 093348 1 (1)

04 Sep 2024 8 2 80
The REM (Réseau express métropolitain), a new light rail system for Montreal and its suburbs. It has been open for about a year, but so far only serves five stations (out of about 24). It works very well so far, except that the brains behind its design forgot to include enough parking at the stations to make it a more practical option than simply driving to town. I guess you can't expect everything.


17 Aug 2024 10 6 157
An azure butterfly feeding on goldenrod flowers.

Downy woodpecker _20241005 000941

14 Sep 2024 15 12 173
A small Downy woodpecker.

IMG 20240930 084607

28 Sep 2024 20 15 177
Fox tail grass with an empty silk cocoon, probably built by a spider.

house finch-DSC 2655

02 Apr 2024 9 7 151
A small house finch.

goldenrod bee st bruno=DSC 9034

07 Sep 2024 18 19 189
A bee balanced on a goldenrod frond.

Hanging spider IMG 20240918 132545

18 Sep 2024 15 13 177
Infinite patience; a spider at work.

meadowhawk 3DSC 9366

15 Sep 2024 20 23 192
A male meadowhawk dragonfly (Sympetrum) with the sunlight showing through its wings.

DSC 9269

14 Sep 2024 17 8 189
A yellow-collared scape moth among the goldenrod flowers.

Bee and daisy DSC 9035

07 Sep 2024 21 9 109
Going to work. A bee and a daisy.

jewel weed DSC 8997

07 Sep 2024 17 5 159
Jewel weed (Impatiens capensis; L'Impatiente du Cap) growing beside water. If you look closely there is also a very long-legged spider hiding under the leaf behind the flowers. I didn't see it until I got home, which I suppose is a lesson to look more carefully when I take the photos.

Locust borer beetle DSC 8991

07 Sep 2024 19 12 145
A locust borer longhorn beetle in goldenrod. The larvae live in black locust trees and can spread fungal disease to the host trees, but so far I haven't found any locust trees here, so I don't know where they breed.

Turtle head flowers DSC 8993

07 Sep 2024 4 73
White turtle head flowers. They tend to grow beside water or in wet woodlands. These were close to a small frog pond in the woods. They seem to do well in shady conditions and flower in late summer or early autumn.

Skipper on thistle IMG 20240902 084359

01 Sep 2024 13 6 190
A small Peck's Skipper butterfly (Polites peckius) feeding on a thistle head.

Butterfly and rudbeckia IMG 20240830 165900

27 Aug 2024 16 11 200
A European common Blue butterfly on a black-eyed Susan flower head. These butterflies are immigrants, only appearing in the Montreal area in around 2005, but by now they are very well established and are flourishing in their new home.

Wasp and flowers DSC 8385

24 Aug 2024 14 8 168
A wasp feeding on sedum flowers.

846 photos in total