Don Mills Fawn Aug 1 2016 DSC 1423


Vertebrates- no domestic or zoo animals. Mostly birds, a few mammals (deer, chipmunk, raccoon) and a snake.

Don Mills Fawn Aug 1 2016 DSC 1423

01 Aug 2016 7 6 382
A fawn, Stumbled upon in Don Mills Ravine, North York, Toronto.

barred owl st bruno june 2016 DSC 0347

18 Jun 2016 4 1 236
A barred owl. It was "hiding" from a crow that was chasing it through the woods presumably to keep it away from its nest.

heron lily pads DSC 1111

16 Jul 2016 4 344
A great blue heron sits among the lily pads hunting frogs. (Parc St Bruno, near Montreal).

heron standing st bruno 2016 DSC 0332

18 Jun 2016 16 7 545
A blue heron standing in the morning sunshine.

garter snake may 07 2016

07 May 2016 3 320
A garter snake. These are very common but I like this one because it is orange. All the others I see around here have pale yellow stripes like the one running down its back rather than the orange.

house finch march 2016 DSC 1890

23 Mar 2016 23 9 705
A small red house finch in the snow from earlier in the year (March).

bohemian waxwing april13 2016 DSC 2333

13 Apr 2016 1 399
A Bohemian waxwing (Jaseur boreal). They are migrating back to their breeding grounds in the North, many to the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Alaska.. A flock stayed here (near Montreal) for a week or so eating whatever fruit remained on the trees or had fallen on the ground.

bohemian waxwing april 16 2016DSC 2489

16 Apr 2016 2 355
A Bohemian waxwing (Jaseur boreal). They are migrating back to their breeding grounds in the North. A flock stayed for a week or so near here (outside Montreal) eating whatever fruit remained on the trees after winter or had fallen on the ground.

january cardinal tc CSC 1607

15 Jan 2016 3 1 533
A male cardinal, colour for a winter's day

dec 31 cardinal DSC 1347

31 Dec 2015 21 3 612
A female cardinal on the last day of the year.

st bruno 5 dec 2015 black capped chickadee DSC 102…

05 Dec 2015 12 2 637
A black capped chickadee, a very lively bird that stays over the winter.

nuthatch st bruno 5 dec 2015 DSC 0998

05 Dec 2015 9 6 586
A white-breasted nuthatch on a twig

nuthatch st bruno 5 dec 2015 DSC 0995

05 Dec 2015 13 7 611
A nuthatch on a twig

chicakdeeCSC 0496

03 Oct 2015 7 2 488
A black-capped chickadee, St Bruno park.

blue jay portrait DSC 5588

13 Sep 2015 6 6 550
Portrait of a blue jay

blue jay with peanut

03 Sep 2015 15 5 679
A young blue jay coming for peanuts in the morning.

heron flying st bruno 15 august 2015 DSC 5085

15 Aug 2015 7 3 557
This great blue heron ( Ardea herodias ) flew past us on a lakeside in Parc St Bruno (near Montreal). They are big birds with a wingspan that can be 2 metres.

mother and fawn v4 DSC 4660

08 Aug 2015 6 1 505
A moment of closeness between a mother deer and her child. St Bruno, Quebec.

198 items in total