In the neighbourhood: a pink rose bush

Our place at random 2016

18 Apr 2016

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147 visits

In the neighbourhood: a pink rose bush

11 Apr 2016

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184 visits

King protea

29 Mar 2016

153 visits

solid memories

amber plastic jade shell quartz malacite.

24 Mar 2016

237 visits

Saltbush seeding

These hardy drought proof plants are enjoyed by butterflies, and form low spreading mats of grey green. Their flowers are insignificant, and are followed by ruby red berries. I noticed they had ripened and falling off. The seeds germinate easily too so I will collect and store some.

21 Mar 2016

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205 visits


14 Mar 2016

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240 visits

Small spider hiding in the eucalytus shoot

10 Feb 2016

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209 visits

Pingasa chlora: White Looper Moth

On our lounge room window

18 Feb 2016

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151 visits

The eyes have it

This tiny jumping spider never took its eyes of me as I did a circuit of the plant trying to get a good view of it. Every time I moved, it moved to, keeping its searchlight eyes trained on me. I was only able to get this shot before it slipped out of view

09 Feb 2011

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338 visits

John Berndt

Johannes Carl Berndt was my grandfather. Arriving from Halle in Saxony with his parents in the 1880s the family assimilated as quickly as possible, dropping the Lutheran faith in favour of Anglicanism and becoming naturalised. J C Berndt sent his sons to a prestigious private school. This cartoon of him appeared in the local Newspaper in 1930. I found it pasted in the family scrapbook. The family began keeping the scrapbook in 1914, and much of it relates to the first world war. He ran a jewellery business in Adelaide for many years. He was a passionate fisherman, an interest he passed on to my father.
20 items in total