Sir Samuel Davenport's contribution to our local area

Beaumont Common

Only a short walk from home is a park, the haunt of dog walkers and children, where our local council is maintaining and adding to the native plant species of the area. On any day I can see three or four kinds of parrots, swallows, magpies, ravens and miners. And I often hear the pardalote calling from the tops of the trees. A winter creek runs through the central part, and there are plenty of sea…  (read more)

16 Sep 2017

153 visits

Sir Samuel Davenport's contribution to our local area

16 Sep 2017

151 visits

australian native mallow

16 Sep 2017

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180 visits

Native australian ranunculi

16 Sep 2017

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160 visits

grey box eucalypt

16 Sep 2017

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177 visits

lerps on eucalypt

16 Sep 2017

4 favorites


213 visits

From Beaumont Common looking towards the coast

08 Apr 2021

9 favorites


133 visits

Eucalypt on Beaumont Common

Two rainbow lorikeets nesting in hollow