Old Poles in Troy, Ohio

Old poles taken in Troy, Ohio

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Various kind of old poles taken in Troy, Ohio.

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07 Nov 2015

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616 visits

Cd 183 Hemingray glass insulators in service use

Alley between E Ross St and Young St just east of S Walnut St. Troy, Ohio. Three CD 183 Hemingray-71 glass insulators in service use in Troy, Ohio.

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07 Nov 2015

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678 visits

CD 219 and CD 183 Hemingray glass insulators in service use

Pole next to alley between S Mulberry St and S Walnut St along E Simpson St. Troy, Ohio A unique old steel pole in Troy, Ohio with a CD 219 Hemingray 660 and a few CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Looks to be a 13kv subtransmission line on top.

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07 Nov 2015

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864 visits

CD 219 and CD 183 Hemingray glass insulators in service use

Alley between E West St and E Simpson St just east of S Mulberry St, Troy, Ohio. A shot of some old poles with some old lightning arresters, cutouts, and a pothead in Troy, Ohio. The glass insulators are CD 219 Hemingray 660's and CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Looks like a couple of nice white U-180 Ohio Brass porcelain insulators.

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07 Nov 2015

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1 076 visits

CD 219 Hemingray glass insulators in service use

Alley between E Ross St and Young St just east of Mulberry St. Troy, Ohio. A shot of two CD 219 Hemingray 660 glass insulators in service use in Troy Ohio. A Squirrel always adds a nice touch to a power pole shot.
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