CD 162 Hemingray glass insulators in service use, Warsaw, Indiana

Glass Insulators taken in the wild (up in the air)

A set showing a variety of glass insulators still in service use, or that has been abandoned and left for decay. The insulators are from power line distribution and the poles lines used along railroads. Very few will be from open wire telephone distribution since these were taken down many decades ago and converted to cables and put underground.

Glass pintype insulators are fast disappearing fro…  (read more)

CD 162 Hemingray glass insulators in service use,…

14 Jan 2018 5 3 615
Alley between E Center St and Market St just east of S Buffalo St, Warsaw, Indiana. A pole with alley crossarms and wooden pins in downtown Warsaw. Six CD 162 Hemingray 19's on the bottom crossarms. Looks like the multiparts were added later with the steel pins. Close up of the same pole.

CD 162 hemingray glass insulators in service use,…

14 Jan 2018 2 618
Alley between E Center St and Market St just east of S Buffalo St, Warsaw, Indiana. Close up of the six CD 162 Hemingray 19's in downtown Warsaw. Wide angle shot of the same pole.

Old Poles in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 6 506
Alley between S Mulberry St and S Clay St at E Simpson St. Glass insulators are CD 183 Hemingray-71's and CD 219 Hemingray-660's.

Two poles, 23 total glass insulators, Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 3 2 551
Corner of S Madison St and W Race St, Troy, Ohio. A shot of two poles for a total of 23 glass insulators. The pole on the left has eight CD 219 Hemingray-660's, two CD 231.2 Kimble-820's, and five CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Right pole has six CD 231.2 Kimble-820's and two CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Some of the glass insulators can't be seen.

Glass insulators in Botkins, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 5 664
Corner of W State and Elm St, Botkins, Ohio. Pole taken in a small town of Botkins, Ohio. Glass insulators are one CD 164 Hemingray No 20, two CD 162 Hemingray-19's, and two CD 1052 spool insulators. The one insulator failed on the steel pin.

Old pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 6 2 569
Corner of S Counts St and Martin St, Troy, Ohio. Front view of an old pole with an old transformer with five CD 183 Hemingray-71 glass insulators. Also, looks to be a U-180 Ohio Brass porcelain insulator in use.

Old pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 3 617
Corner of S Counts St and Martin St, Troy, Ohio. Side view of an old pole with an old transformer with five CD 183 Hemingray-71 glass insulators. Also, looks to be a U-180 Ohio Brass porcelain insulator in use.

Old steel pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 6 2 741
Along W Simpson St between S Plum St and S Cherry St, Troy, Ohio. Close up of one of the many steel poles used along Simpson St in Troy, Ohio. Glass insulators are two CD 183 Hemingray-71's and one CD 219 Hemingray-660. Wide angle shot here.

Old steel pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 4 516
Along W Simpson St between S Plum St and S Cherry St, Troy, Ohio. Wide angle street view shot of one of the many steel poles used along Simpson St in Troy, Ohio. Glass insulators are two CD 183 Hemingray-71's and one CD 219 Hemingray-660. Looks to be an old fire alarm box in the foreground. Close up here.

CD 231.2 and CD 183 glass insulators in service us…

05 Nov 2016 7 2 715
Alley between Garfield Ave and S Madison St south of W Race St, Troy, Ohio. Glass insulators are three CD 231.2 Kimble-820's and six CD 183 Hemingray-71's. I always wondered what the bottom crossarm was used for on many of the poles with mostly the CD 183's (fire or police alarm signal circuits ?). Looks like none of the circuits are in use anymore.

Old Riser Pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 6 2 901
Corner of E Water St and N Walnut St, Troy, Ohio. Old riser pole with a pothead. Glass insulators are two CD 219 Hemingray-660's and nine CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Some of the glass insulators can't be seen.

Old Riser Pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 4 889
Corner of E Water St and N Walnut St, Troy, Ohio. Old riser pole with a pothead. Glass insulators are two CD 219 Hemingray-660's and nine CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Some of the glass insulators can't be seen. Close up of top section of pole here.

Old Riser Pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 3 530
Corner of E Water St and N Walnut St, Troy, Ohio. Old riser pole with a pothead. Glass insulators on the top section (out of sight) are two CD 219 Hemingray-660's and nine CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Close up of lower section of pole here.

Old Riser Pole in Troy, Ohio

05 Nov 2016 4 489
Corner of E Water St and N Walnut St, Troy, Ohio. Old riser pole with a pothead. Glass insulators are two CD 219 Hemingray-660's and nine CD 183 Hemingray-71's. Some of the glass insulators can't be seen. Wide angle street view shot of pole here.

CD 1052 D-518 glass spools in service use, Marion,…

21 Aug 2016 3 2 407
Along E Lincoln St between the old NYC RR and N Branson St, Marion, Indiana Old brick building with four CD 1052 Hemingray made D-518 glass spools in Marion, Indiana. These have the D-518 on the insulators so they have to be the No Names. Wide angle shot of the building.

CD 1052 D-518 glass spools in service use, Marion,…

21 Aug 2016 2 400
Along E Lincoln St between the old NYC RR and N Branson St, Marion, Indiana Old brick building with four CD 1052 Hemingray made D-518 glass spools in Marion, Indiana. These have the D-518 on the insulators so they have to be the No Names. Close up of the glass spools

CD 230 Hemingray 512 glass insulators in service u…

24 Jan 2016 6 1 903
East and west running alley between S Scott St and S Bennett St with E Central Ave to the north, Bluffton, Indiana. The series street lighting might be long gone, but there are still a lot of glass insulators and crossarm-hung transformers in use around the town of Bluffton, IN.

CD 219 Hemingray and CD 183 Hemingray glass insula…

07 Nov 2015 6 5 814
Pole next to alley between S Crawford St and S Clay St along E Simpson St, Troy, Ohio. A five buckarm pole in Troy, Ohio with two CD 219 Hemingray-660's and two CD 183 Hemingray-71's.

76 items in total