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Resolution:100 x 100 dpi
Dimension:1580 x 800 pixels
Created on:2015:06:09 20:39:07+01:00
Modified on:2015:06:09 22:58:36
Software:Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows)
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:1f52a56d-b404-d344-b8a 4-487d5061a837
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:a4218023-474f-7048-b9d 4-44df58725fc1
Derived From Original Document IDxmp.did:1f52a56d-b404-d344-b8a 4-487d5061a837
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
History Actioncreated, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved
History Changed/, /, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:1f52a56d-b404-d344-b8a 4-487d5061a837, xmp.iid:877b483c-01b9-cd42-aff 9-149b9a23d55d, xmp.iid:a4218023-474f-7048-b9d 4-44df58725fc1, xmp.iid:c14490e8-0e80-d04c-931 9-1389b9f7fecb
History Parametersfrom application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/jpeg, converted from application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/jpeg
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows)
History When2015:06:09 20:39:07+01:00, 2015:06:09 22:56:24+01:00, 2015:06:09 22:58:36+01:00, 2015:06:09 22:58:36+01:00
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image Size1580x800
Metadata Date2015:06:09 22:58:36+01:00
Original Document IDxmp.did:1f52a56d-b404-d344-b8a 4-487d5061a837
Resolution Unitcm
Text Layer Namenow open the image whose background you want to improve, Do th, To change a background in Pixlr locate and open a suitable ima, With the main image now open as a layer you can resize and rot, We now need to remove the unwanted backround so the new one can, The ‘Magic Wand’ tool will select pixels of similar colour, pla, Selecting the ‘Eraser’ Tool enables you to use a brush like to
Text Layer Textnow open the image whose background you want to improve, Do this by going to Layer’ and click ‘open image as layer’. navigate to that image, click it and it will open as a layer stacked on top of the background image., To change a background in Pixlr locate and open a suitable image for the background first. , With the main image now open as a layer you can resize and rotate it to suit if required by clicking ‘Edit’ then ‘Free Transform’, We now need to remove the unwanted backround so the new one can be seen. There are a number of ways to do this, especially in photoshop, paintshop- pro or Gimp but in Pixlr you can only use the ‘magic wand’ tool or the ‘eraser’ tool and this can be a little tedious but well worth the effort. A combination of the two works well and it is here that your work will make or break the image :-) Be as carefull and as patient as you can! , The ‘Magic Wand’ tool will select pixels of similar colour, play with the tolerance slider to make bigger selections Hit ‘delete’ to erase those pixels , Selecting the ‘Eraser’ Tool enables you to use a brush like tool to sweep away great chunks of the unwanted layer. use a soft edge brush... you can adjust the brush settings by the ‘diameter’, ‘Spacing’ and ‘Hardness’ sliders once you click the drop down arrow in the tool bar next to ‘Brush’
Thumbnail Offset318
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.6-c014 79.156797, 2014/08/20-09:53:02