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Pic frame 3
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Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:1920 x 1080 pixels
Created on:2015:05:07 07:46:09+01:00
Modified on:2015:05:08 19:23:58
Software:Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows)
Color ModeRGB
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Derived From Document IDxmp.did:bbea2d5b-f2fd-c346-85e 5-d1dd768e8ff3
Derived From Instance IDxmp.iid:3c555004-7a2a-5040-960 d-409122902f9e
Derived From Original Document IDxmp.did:bbea2d5b-f2fd-c346-85e 5-d1dd768e8ff3
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
History Actioncreated, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved
History Changed/, /, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:bbea2d5b-f2fd-c346-85e 5-d1dd768e8ff3, xmp.iid:957d719b-92ee-f244-8bc 4-e75f9cbaf771, xmp.iid:3c555004-7a2a-5040-960 d-409122902f9e, xmp.iid:7e4a50fe-e4e4-2748-a38 5-ceb734c3e2ed
History Parametersfrom application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/jpeg, converted from application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/jpeg
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows)
History When2015:05:07 07:46:09+01:00, 2015:05:07 22:28:06+01:00, 2015:05:08 19:23:58+01:00, 2015:05:08 19:23:58+01:00
ICC Profile NamesRGB IEC61966-2.1
Image Size1920x1080
Metadata Date2015:05:08 19:23:58+01:00
Original Document IDxmp.did:bbea2d5b-f2fd-c346-85e 5-d1dd768e8ff3
Resolution Unitinches
Text Layer Nameopen your frame image and the image you want to put in it. Go t, take note of the layer order. New layers always appear above th, You may need to resize the image- grab the handle and pull out , Here I have renamed Layer 1 ‘Image and Background has become ’, 1/ Making sure you have swapped the layer order click on ‘Frame, 2/ Now choose a section tool, any one that you are most comfort, You should now see your image revealed within the frame. Hit C, This is now what your image should look like resized to fit th, At this point you might want to add an effect either Bevel and, Once you are happy with your effects you can then flatten the i, Now drag your completed layer on to your Wall image using the , First click on the wall image layer to activate it. then Click, finally at this stage select a soft edge brush and make sure th, Once this is done you can dial in some Gaussian Blur from the F, Making sure your layers are in the correct order with new layer
Text Layer Textopen your frame image and the image you want to put in it. Go to ‘window’, ‘arrange’ and select 2-up vertical to arrange the images side by side. select the move tool click on the image and drag it onto the frame image, take note of the layer order. New layers always appear above the layer you are currently working on. You will need to change the order of these layers so it’s a good idea to rename each layer. to do this double click the words ‘layer 1’, You may need to resize the image- grab the handle and pull out to suit (Usually shift + Click will maintain perspective) You will need to align the image too.- aproximately at this stage, Here I have renamed Layer 1 ‘Image and Background has become ’Frame’ Currently ‘Image’ is topmost and when we make ‘Frame’ the top layer ‘image’ will disappear from view untill we do some more work., 1/ Making sure you have swapped the layer order click on ‘Frame to make it active, 2/ Now choose a section tool, any one that you are most comfortable with. Choices are usually rectangular marquee (Or circular), several polyganal selection tools or a magic wand tool.. here in PS I favour the quick selection tool. Once you have your selection tool you now need to select the white area within the frame and delete it, You should now see your image revealed within the frame. Hit CTRL + Dto deselect the image and make the marching ants disappear. You can now resize and move the image more accuratly, select the layer ‘Image’ and the ‘Move’ tool to do this, This is now what your image should look like resized to fit the frame. While the edges of the image are hidden by the top layer you can stillsee the bounding box and its control ‘handles’.for resizing., At this point you might want to add an effect either Bevel and Emboss or a drop shadow. Most programs will allow you to do this but in PS clicking the ‘fx’ button in the layers pallette brings up this dialog where you can fine tune. most imprtant is the directional shading control use this to compliment the lighting in any background you might place this frame on to., Once you are happy with your effects you can then flatten the image. to do this go to ‘Layer’, scroll to the bottom of the list and click Flatten image , Now drag your completed layer on to your Wall image using the method described before in step 2 When you have done this you can again apply a drop shadow or make your own shadow. Shadows and shading are very subtle and it is this that lends reality to images of this sort., First click on the wall image layer to activate it. then Click open a new layer and rename it shadows or Shading. , finally at this stage select a soft edge brush and make sure the colour pallette is set to Black in the foreground pallette., Once this is done you can dial in some Gaussian Blur from the Filters Pallette and/or then adjust the Opacity of the layer to make it more subtle., Making sure your layers are in the correct order with new layer in the middle of the stack, Apply one staight brush stroke down one side and another to the bottom of the frame
Thumbnail Offset318
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.6-c014 79.156797, 2014/08/20-09:53:02