APT - sawing

{w!p} APT - Apprentice

Folder: Training - ENGINEERING HERITAGE SKILLS INITIATIVE and other schemes
Following on from the EHSI scheme - which ended in 2015 - we have continued our commitment to training the younger generation in the older skills needed for restoration and maintenance of heritage timber items.
After a couple or three false starts, we now have two youngsters as "trainees" on the team. Currently [Autumn 2023] we are in the process of {hopefully} arranging day-release studies to par…  (read more)
  • APT - sawing
  • NSR23 - handrail test
  • NSR23 - sliding door
  • 1822/1986 - a bit of training
  • 1822/1986 - cutting to length
  • F37 - Initial Inspection [5 of 36]
  • APT - basic skills ?
  • TRv6 - laying off
  • nbx / app - bird box {1 of 3}
  • nbx / app - bird box {2 of 3}
  • nbx / app - bird box {3 of 3}