LB - 2013-14 Trainees

{OK} ESHI - LB (5)

Folder: Training - ENGINEERING HERITAGE SKILLS INITIATIVE and other schemes
Year Three of the EHSI Scheme started in March 2013. Our Trainee is Luke B.

After a shakey start, Luke has settled down well and finally making a success of his placement.

Luke has worked on both of the Knotty Coaches, NSR127 and NSR61, followed by the PQR convict van.

After his placement finished, we took Luke onto the staff.
He took a short sabbatical, to visit his father in Canada, who reall…  (read more)
  • LB - 2013-14 Trainees
  • LB - joins in the work
  • LB - joint trim
  • LB - priming roof stick
  • NSR 127 - SRR team
  • LB - grooving jig
  • NER 7cmpt - easy does it