OOD - doors back

{OK} Old Oak Doors

Repairs to a pair of old oak doors, the damaged stiles have been detached from the doors and their replacements are being produced.
The various mortices are now cut (drilled) and the rebates are to follow, then another dry fit.
The doors will be sanded, stained to match, re-assembled and then finished.
The blacksmith has returned the ironwork after some attention......
This will be re-attached sh…  (read more)
  • OOD - doors back
  • OOD - front view
  • OOD - re-fitting doors
  • OOD - Stiles on
  • OOD - New Stiles
  • OOD - machining stiles
  • OOD - stile off
  • OOD - joints close up
  • OOD - stile removed
  • OOD - hydraulics in use
  • OOD - door surface
  • OOD - damaged doors
  • OOD - doors in situ
  • OOD - marking out
  • HCC - result