MER[?] - Mercury Arc Rectifier {1 0f 3}

{WIP} SMR - Snaefell Mountain Railway

Folder: MANX RAILWAYS : transport on Ellan Vannin
5.5 mile railway climbing Snaefell, built in 1895 on the Fell system. Currently [2023] operated with four out of the original six cars, with two being rebuilt.
Our trip in 2018 was blessed with extremely fine weather, but quite often Manannan has his cloak [clouds] drawn close around the summit.
  • MER[?] - Mercury Arc Rectifier {1 0f 3}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {1 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {2 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {3 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {4 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {5 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {6 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {7 of 9}
  • smr[18] - Car 5 at the summit
  • smr[18] - views from the line {8 of 9}
  • smr[18] - views from the line {9 of 9}
  • IoM[2] / smr[18] - Fell (rail) Brake
  • MER[23] - Motor No.34