CLW - The Library

{OK} CLW - College of Librarianship Wales

Folder: FAMILY
I was a student here in 1981-1982, on the post-graduate diploma. A very intensive course, [I estimate our course was about 2/3 of the three year undergraduate degree, but in one academic year less January as that was a work experience / placement].
I paid a visit here in September 2019, and rather wished that I had not.
CLW has gone, and the buildings that were left were mostly in a very sorry st…  (read more)
  • CLW - The Library
  • CAS[h] - family / CLW - Aeron hall
  • CAS[h] / CLW - Aeron Hall
  • CAS[h] / CLW - Aeron : closed 2007
  • CLW - office block
  • CLW - Library (ex-CLW, now Thomas Parry Library)
  • CLW - social centre
  • CLW - paper tree
  • clw - it was here, or more to the right
  • VoR[19] / CLW[19] - Halls were here ?
  • clw - Pen Dinas
  • CLW - pretty as a postcard ?
  • clw - Dewey