Morning light

Roots and visinity

Morning light

ಗಜ ಖಾoಬೊ & beyond

Facade - Anthssayana temple / अनन्तशयन

Jaycees Elementary school

Padmavathi Temple

And old home - where the time stood still

Ranga's Lane

ಹನುಮಂತ ದೆವಸ್ತಾನ / Hanuman Temple

ಗೊಮಟ ಬೆಟ್ಟಕ್ಕೆ ಮೆಟ್ಟಲುಗಳು

Chaturmukha Basadi

11 Sep 2015 175
Viewed from Gomata Betta

Champa / Lei flowers / Frangipani / ಕುಡ್ ಚಾಂಪೆ

11 Sep 2015 141

View of Karkala ~ East

11 Sep 2015 257
From Gomata Betta


11 Sep 2015 210

Looking down....

11 Sep 2015 12 14 176,_Karkala About 120 steps to the ground level HFF ye, all and a great week-end

View of Karkala

11 Sep 2015 154
West Side


11 Sep 2015 144
As seen from Gomata Betta.

164 items in total