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Handmade Herbal Soaps


Newyork Street

Reflecting Pond

04 Jun 2006 159
Boston - Seen from USS Constitution


04 Jun 2006 188
One of the first frigates built for US Navy, launched in 1797. 204 ft (62 m) long and usually carried more than 50 guns and a crew of over 450. Restored in 1927-31 www.ussconstitution.navy.mil/

Old Cambridge Baptist Church, 1151 Massachusetts A…



Reader's Digest, October 1935

Call 0151 632 2213


25 Oct 2012 3 3 181
HWW and Best wishs to all my friends

Father Triton and his sons

30 Dec 2006 143
Title of Piece: Sunday Morning in Deep Waters Artist: Carl Milles Acquired: 1940 Material(s): Bronze Location: Ingalls Mall between the League & Burton Tower Comments: The figures depict Father Triton and his sons on a holiday excursion. Gift of Charles Baird (AB & LLB 1895, AM 1940) in memory of Thomas McIntyre Cooley, professor of Law and Dean of the Law School. The fountain has been fondly called "Ye Gods and Little Fishes" by students. A renowned Swedish sculptor, Milles was the first sculptor-in-residence at Cranbrook, where this piece was executed. It was his 12th fountain and 96th major work. arts.umich.edu/museums-cultural-attractions/sunday-morning-in-deep-waters en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triton_(mythology)


23 May 2012 154
Rather than words comes the thought of high windows: The sun-comprehending glass, And beyond it, the deep blue air, that shows Nothing, and is nowhere, and is endless. Excerpt: "High Window" ~ Philip Larkin

383 items in total