
04 Nov 2012 158
Of winter's lifeless world each tree Now seems a perfect part; Yet each one holds summer's secret Deep down within its heart. ~Charles G. Stater

End of a day

22 Jun 2010 3 316
I am the wind which breathes upon the sea, I am the wave of the ocean, I am the murmur of the billows I am the ox of the seven combats, I am the vulture upon the rocks, I am a beam of the sun, I am the fairest of the plants, I am the wild boar in valor, I am the salmon in the water, I am the lake in the plain, I am a word of science, I am the point of the lance of battle. I am the God who created in the head of fire, What is it who throws the light into the meeting on the mountains? Who announces the ages of the moon? Who teaches the place where couches the sun? If not I "This anonymous Irish poem from the bardic tradition that sounds like Walt Whitman and little like an old Vedic hymn, it’s been given title, “The Mystery” . The translation is by Yeats's friend Douglas Hyde" ~ Robert Hass
28 May 2012 178
In the moonlight a worm silently drills through a chestnut ~ Matsu Basho

Einstein, his wife & Charlie Chaplin

11 Mar 2011 3 264
At the premier of Chaplin's film City Lights, January 1931 From "The Day we Found the Universe" (Image from the book titled above)

New York street

04 Apr 2009 115
23 Oct 2012 128
"Soak up the sun Affirm life's magic Be graceful in the wind Stand tall after a storm Feel refreshed after it rains ..................... - Karen Shragg, Think Like a Tree

Winter Night

03 Nov 2012 141
Now winter nights enlarge The number of their hours; And clouds their storms discharge Upon the airy towers. Let now the chimneys blaze And cups o’erflow with wine, ..................... ~ Thomas Campion
06 May 2011 173
When all thoughts Are exhausted I slip into the woods And gather A pile of shepherd’s purse. ~ Ikkyu


16 Jun 2013 154
Though we can go back to Descartes to find philosophers who believed that mathematics and geometry might provide for a kind of thinking that was pure and precise, it was George Boole, a young mathematician from Lincoln, who put flesh on the idea. In 1833, when he was just seventeen years old, he had what he described as a mystical experience. Whilst walking through a meadow he became convinced that his vocation in life was to explain the logic of human thought in symbolic or algebraic form. It was Boole's lifetime of thinking that was picked up by the first computer scientists in the middle of the twentieth century. ~ Page 302
16 Jun 2013 181
I caught a stomach-sorrow while traipsing October’s fogs I ate to nourish it made a cocoon for it laid it with slow reverence in a hollow For fourteen nights some cursed sleep’s been after me while I’ve been up feeding on darkness Don’t say a word Don’t look in my direction There’s something on my heart that can’t be lifted – I give in to wintering – You won't see me till the buds start to blossom ~ Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh
16 Jun 2013 1 172
You ask why I make my home in the mountain forest, and I smile, and am silent, and even my soul remains quiet: it lives in the other world which no one owns. The peach trees blossom, The water flows. ~ Li Po


17 Jun 2013 158
'Twixt a smile and a tear, 'Twixt a song and a sigh, 'Twixt the day and the dark, When the night draweth nigh. Ah, sunshine may fade From the heavens above, No twilight have we To the day of our love. ~ Paul Lawrence Dunbar

251 items in total