Book Images

Plate 9.6

21 Jan 2020 1 137
An advantage of the U.S. federal system. Individual states can adopt laws that initially seem crazy to other states, but that eventually prove sensible and become adopted by all of the states -- such as California’s becoming the first state to permit right turns on a red light after stop.


03 Feb 2020 3 135
This portrait of Poggio appears in the manuscript of his work 'De varietate furtunae.' the work, written when Poggio was sixty-eight years old, eloquently surveys the ruins of ancient Roman greatness.


06 Feb 2020 156


04 Feb 2020 1 59
Poggio's friend Niccoli here brings his long-awaited transcription of "On the Nature of Things" to a close with a customary word "Explicit" (from the Latin for (unrolled). He enjoins the reader to "read happy: ("Lege feliciter) and adds -- in some tension with the spirit of Lucretius poem -- a pious "Amen"


03 Feb 2020 1 95
The heretic Hus, forced to wear a mock paper crown declaring his misdeeds, is burned at the stake. afterwards, to prevent any sympathetic bystander from collecting a relic of the martyr, his ashes are shoveled into the Rhine.

Human Migration

04 Aug 2019 1 2 125

African Primates

10 Aug 2019 6 163
Image from:

Fig. 10.8

13 Mar 2020 1 80
A standing Harappan god often appears between two open branches of a pipal tree; on some of the tablets the branches close up at the top and we have full arch, plainly a device intended to exalt the god (fig 10.8). The same device is used in classical art, where an arch surrounds a seated Buddha, or a standing Shiva, enhancing their glory. ~Page 231

Figure 9.1

13 Mar 2020 1 105
Kaushambi's fortifications, with revetment of baked bricks (ASI)


13 Mar 2020 1 88
Perhaps the most remarkable structure unearthed in Banawawali’s acropolis (fig. 7.2) is a small building shaped as a semi-ellipse -- percisely the shape of the acropolis. As if to make it amply clear that this was a conscious choice and not an accident, the building harbours an alter that once again conforms to a semi-elliptical (or apsidal) shape. There can be little doubt that this building was a small temple dedicated to fire worship . ~ Page 157

Megellan's Armada

281 items in total