Book of Hours

California Days

Book of Hours

24 Dec 2017 295
Incipiunt Hore Sancte Marie ~ 14th 15th Century ~ 83 leaves Hoare or Books of Hours were noted for their vivid colours and sparkle of gold leaf on parchment leaves. This devotional, a fine example of decorative arts of the late middle ages, has both elaborate gilded initials and charmingly naïve flower border surrounding the principal pages. Under protective glass -- no Flash allowed.

Fruits / vegetables

Fruits / vegetables

Tee Shirts

Fruits / vegetables


Food Court / Beer / Sandwiches

A leaf from the Gutenberg Bible ~ Latin Vulgate 14…

24 Dec 2017 2 1 220
The Gutenberg Bible stands as a transformational landmark in the history of Western Civilization. The Bible leaf on display was once owned by the noted book collector Countess Estelle Dohany of Los Angles. A protective leather covering carries her elegant gold-stamped bookplate. Countess Doheny obtained this leaf from a Bible broken up by the bookseller Gabriel Wells. It was donated to the State Library in 2010

Queen Isabella & Columbus

24 Dec 2017 4 264
“I will assume the undertaking” she said, “for my own crown of Castile and I am ready to pawn my jewels to defray the expenses of it if the funds in the treasury shall be found inadequate”

News paper boxes

La Tendresse

24 Dec 2017 11 10 238
HBM Ye all and have a great week

The Capitol


Capitol Mall

The Court - Into the Highland of the mind let me g…


451 items in total